Work-Out Inspiration: MOVE.

Loved this.  One minute clip.  3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries. Will get you to M-O-V-E (or at least think about it)! 

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21 thoughts on “Work-Out Inspiration: MOVE.

  1. This is awesome – I kept trying to see how many countries/places I could recognize – I failed miserably. Definitely keeps you moving, and also makes me want to wander to places I’ve never been. Have a good morning run…


    1. I didn’t even bother trying to recognize the countries. (Although shocked I didn’t even think to do so.) Sort of just pulled along with video. Have a good day Mimi…


  2. THAT was some seriously slick editing! Very cool–makes me want to climb on a plane and go somewhere exotic. For this morning, sadly, I will have to be content with climbing on Jacob’s Ladder and *imagining* that I’m going somewhere exotic…. 😉


  3. Nice. Showed it to my daughter who is the artist in the family. She tells me that video was used in her video design class for great editing. I will count to 10 and then share this one too.

    Me of all people need to say it, let’s move people!! (oh yea, two exclamation points).
    – Michael


  4. Had to watch it a couple times. Got stuck looking at the guys at first cause they kind of look the same. Sure does make you want to go and get something productive done.


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