6:53 am. And inspired.

Canola Field Shaun Lowe

Here’s my picks for the inspiring posts of the week.

Thank you Canadian Art Junkie for sharing the photo above in her post Shaun Lowe: Canola, Sunshine & The Sea.  See her post for more wonderful photographs of eastern Canada.

Steve Gutzler with his post titled 7 Keys to Building Irresistible Energy:I’ll be honest, one of my favorite compliments is when people take note of my energy and passion. But having such energy has been a life struggle of mine. When I was a young man in my early 20′s, I was diagnosed with a blood disorder. For over three years I woke up every day with a low grade temperature and lacking energy. I’d drag through my days. My attitude was good but my immune system was ravaged…Well, fast forward to today. I’m healthy with no hint of fatigue. I train 4-5 days a week and I eat like an athlete. I strive to get seven hours of sleep and I’m working most days by 5 AM. What I like most about where I am at is how grateful I am for what I have. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, not perfect but I’m sure grateful for what I have!”…Read entire post for Steve’s 7 Keys to Building Energy at this link.

Maybe It’s Just Me who describes herself  and her blog as “The life of a middle aged hippie on Maui, eating raw and vegan and staying healthy. I walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain in fall 2012 with my husband and son“…do we need more inspiration than this?!!  Her beautiful post shares her sensations as she returns home to the various places she’s lived.  The post is titled:  As We Relive Our Lives In What We Tell You and this excerpt is returning home to Maui: …there is no better feeling than coming home to a place that I love.  I went up onto the roof deck today to look at the clouds, the palm trees, and the volcano rising above, and again later on, to watch a glorious sunset over the ocean.  I was content to just sit and feel the warmth of the island air on my skin.  Skin that desperately cries out for sunshine and humidity, and that whispers “mahalo” every time I return home to Maui.”  Read her entire post at this link.

Thomas Ross @ Only Here Only Now with word zen magic titled The Murmuring Brook: “To stop the ceaseless tolling of those bells in my mind, I need to do only one simple thing- stop listening, stop looking, stop doing.  Just stop.  And be only and simply in the moment.  In full acceptance of all that I am and all that is. My affliction is like a murmuring brook I walk beside constantly.  Always there.  Ready to receive my renunciation.  Ready to leave me in my freedom.” Read Tom’s entire post at this link.

And finally, this dentist brings his dog to work to calm the nerves of anxious children.  I want this dentist!

Dog and Dentist

Have a great Hump Day!

Source: Dentist Image

27 thoughts on “6:53 am. And inspired.

  1. David,

    Thanks for reposting my work.

    It was a very emotional piece for me to write. I felt a vulnerability in putting it out there. But your kind reception of the work helps me know that it’s a good thing to move past those feelings of vulnerability- to live big- which is a message you send out to the world in so many ways.

    Thank you.



  2. Wonderful recommendations and images as always, David–I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. :-). I, too, follow Tom’s blog and find it a wonderful source if inspiration and reflection. Look forward to exploring the others as well…

    “What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.” Meister Eckhardt.

    Thx for always giving us fresh fodder for consideration…


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