Sunday Morning: Everything is Incredible

Agustin is from Siguatepeque, Honduras.  He was born “lame with his right leg shorter than his left.”  He was later struck with polio leaving him severely disabled from the legs down.  He dreamed of being a pilot but because of his disability, he couldn’t fly.  He turned his energy to building his own helicopter largely from parts found at the trash dumps.  He started building in 1958.  He is still pursuing his dream today more than one-half a century later with his helicopter still under construction.

His Minister:  “I don’t know what he’s paying for his helicopter in the ultimate sense.  I think he’s paid a lot for that helicopter.  I think he’s paid an awful lot.  You might say what has he gotten out of it?  I don’t know.  Maybe its kept him alive. Maybe its been able to conquer loneliness.  Maybe its been able to conquer poverty.”

Agustin later in the story explains: “The problem is that everything is incredible and people just don’t accept it.”

This video is beautiful. Sad.  Touching.  And inspiring.

And, yes, Agustin, we are blessed. And everything is incredible.  And often times we take it for granted.

Good Sunday morning.

Everything is Incredible from Tyler Bastian on Vimeo.

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30 thoughts on “Sunday Morning: Everything is Incredible

  1. Weeping and writing simultaneously – doesn’t do much for one’s typing speed or error rate but my God what it does for this soul. To love the world and see wonder in all things – really live that. What an inspiration. Happy Sunday David.


  2. I couldn’t watch all of the clip, because our internet is so slow. Looked Augustin up on Google though. What an amazing and inspirational story. In spite of his disability and living in abject poverty, he has never lost hope and even after 50 years, believes that his dream will come true. I am humbled.


  3. That man can’t walk,but he most certainly can fly–he already has. I was so struck by the fact that the children believed it was a “normal helicopter.”. They were willing to imagine what could be, while his minister (it seemed to me) was almost dismissive. I’m sure the hope bound up in that helicopter *has* kept him alive, for who can live without hope? Where does that refusal to relent spring from? Why do some have it, despite the odds, while others throw in the towel so quickly? Beautiful, heart wrenching story David. Off to find a tissue….


    1. Yes, Lori, I too noticed how the children looked at Agustin with admiration and wonder – in contrast to the minister’s reaction. And, Agustin seems to bring forth all of what’s good in life – no matter how steep the hill is to climb.


  4. What is being displayed before us is an example of the fruit of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Add to this hope and longsuffering. Agustin, to me, is a man we can all learn from. He has taught me to pursue my dreams no matter how long it takes, how difficult it may be or regardless of what others say. Agustin may not know it but he is flying high right now as a banner of hope and faith for all of us. Thank you for sharing.



  5. Never stop dreaming. Agustin’s legs may not work but his mind and spirit fly free. He experiences the world in a way people with able bodies, but tethered minds, never will. What a wonderful, inspirational story. Thank you for sharing.


  6. Thank you David, for sharing this uplifting story of a man with courage and perseverance, when our focus is to not give up then we will aim for our goal regardless of the obstacles.

    David I would like to share with you my own Story in regards to what life sometimes unfolds, it’s long so I hope you don’t mind.

    I was born with a genetic defect and also a learning Disability, one eventuality would lead me to be a Paraplegic or so diagnosed after many tests at the age of 40, the other has caused me to have great difficulty in reading, writing and coordination.

    Because my mother was an Alcoholic which can cause birth defects and also she may have tried to abort me as I was conceived in Adultery but what ever happened I’m now disabled. I have had Miraculous healings and God has intervened and saved my life a few times and now I’m not going to be a Paraplegic as medically diagnosed, God has taken the crippling Arthritis from my Spine just recently, also I have experienced signs and wonders, none of this could have been done by man so they are not counterfeit and they were witnessed and documented.

    But what is so wonderful is that God also gave me gifts that compensated for my shortcomings, no He it did not take them away, I’m still disabled in some parts of my body and Dyslectic but He helps me with these. I can’t write fluently more then a few sentences without His leading, yes I’m still a cracked vessel and make spelling, punctuation mistakes etc but He is the Super glue and He leads me in writing His Truth as confirmed in the Scriptures when I need to write in detail, as I seek to share His Love and Hope and Joy with others.

    I also create Power Points and e-mails and have written many poems also with God’s leading, some have been published, mainly I use my Pen names Annie, or Melody, in these gifts I bring God’s Truth to life and as I do my Spirit soars and I often feel His presence greatly and there are tears of Joy and thankfulness. God has also given me a Balm for the pain I still suffer. All things work together for good when we Love The Lord, and what is so wonderful is He Loved us first … He is Love and can do no evil.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  7. Talked about an example of following your dreams to the end!! Good for him. Wonder what people who gave upon on their dreams after a day, week, month or year would think of this??


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