Sunday Morning: Fly…

Good Sunday Morning. Let me make two points here: 1) I would NEVER do this. 2) Wow! I could not stop watching.  Base Jumping at Mirror Lake, Norway.  Breathtaking landscape.  Exhilarating flight.

Last Walk Around Mirror Lake – Boom Bip (Boards of Canada Remix) from FroschYankee on Vimeo.

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23 thoughts on “Sunday Morning: Fly…

  1. Agree on all counts – you couldn’t pay me to do this – and it’s incredible to watch (and rejoice that this clip is not showing anyone I love doing this either)..


  2. That’s great, but I saw some trees near the bottom. What if the wind blew you over that way? Or the lake? A nice cold swim? Oh, it would be beautiful to fly, for sure, but unless a person would give life up easily because of something going wrong, why would you risk it? Beautiful, yes, but it’s terra firma for me.


  3. Holy smokes, David! Talk about the ultimate “leap of faith!”. It’s amazing to watch, mesmerizing really, but there isn’t any amount of $$ you could offer that would convince me that such an action was the step to take…. 🙂


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