Sunday Morning: Did you enjoy your story?

Soothing.  Uplifting.  Inspiring.

Good Sunday Morning.

a story for tomorrow. from gnarly bay productions, Inc. on Vimeo.

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21 thoughts on “Sunday Morning: Did you enjoy your story?

  1. “…where sunlight grows from the ground and dances from the bottom of your hands”…how magical..”Is it possible to be happy with this life?” “Did you enjoy your story?” Are there any two more critical questions? This will stay with me..


  2. Yes I am happy with this life and I did enjoy the story. Each day brings it’s own joy and wonder we only need to notice them and be grateful. Thanks for sharing. Don’t know where you find these amazing videos but I’m grateful.



  3. Great video with a voice that keeps you watching. Yes life can be happy and i’m still writing my story…


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