Wally’s Great Adventures (61 – VOLUME UP – I Can See Clearly Now)

hello friends, wally here.  beautiful day in connecticut today. like almost the first day of spring, 61 °F and toasty warm.  sunshiny day with exception of dad (a large dark cloud) who started his ‘eliminate all sugar from his diet” day after his doctor visit…he mumbled something about total bullsh*t, and don’t eat margarine, don’t eat salt, wrong, wrong, and now no sugar. to distract him, we decided to haul the outdoor furniture from the basement to the backyard. i helped a lot, dad said, by staying the h*ll out of the way. i’ve never had a spring day in my short puppy life, but if this is what’s to come, wow, wally is pumped. have a great sunday.  Wally.

35 thoughts on “Wally’s Great Adventures (61 – VOLUME UP – I Can See Clearly Now)

  1. Love your attitude, Wally! And, what a great song…some sunshiny day….
    I raised my children and the rest of us with no sugar, and I baked almost daily… I used honey (you need only of third), maple syrup (if you don’t appreciate the taste of honey), frozen apple juice (for added sweetness in baking), dried fruits…. [I’m not crazy about sugar substitutes–usually too sweet.] You will be healthier, happier, and more of the pure you–worth sticking it out.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You’re looking good Wally! But your story about 60° weather is killing me! We had a snow squall here in northern Vermont today. If this weather lasts much longer, I’m going to have to tie myself up with hockey tape… it’s either that or step in front of a bus 🙂

    PS: awesome song!


  3. Wally, what keeps me grinning, is How pee’d off all Frenchies always look… mouth corners turned down permanently!
    I wouldn’t worry too much about the sugar withdrawal. It’s not gonna last and dad will be his usual self, whatever that means.
    Have a great time


  4. Wally, you take care of dad and make sure he stays off sugar. We all should actually. It’s one of the worst addictions and no one ever warns us! …not to mention that it’s EVERYWHERE!


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