The Day After (Turkey)


Wally’s Great Adventures (73)

(VOLUME UP – SUGAR MOUNTAIN) hello friends, wally here. mom, in a super weak moment, departed from the strict discipline of the little tasty food pellets 3x a day, to give me a giant snack called a Pup Cup. wowza. i want pup cups every day. i have no time to chat with all this licking to do. have a great sunday! Wally. 

Wally’s Great Adventures (72)

Wally’s Great Adventures #72. (VOLUME UP – AC DC) hello friends, wally here. a few days ago dad shared my inventory of ‘dont likes.’ now its time to share the first in the series of My Likes. my bestest like ever is to drag my bones under the kitchen table where dad is eating and then keep jamming them into his giant feet until he gets the message – he then grips onto the bone with his feet while i gnaw and gnaw and gnaw at them. mom said that this is one of the few things that dad is really good at. i didn’t think that was nice of mom to say that, but we both snickered…good one mom. have a great hump day!

Wally’s Great Adventures (71)

Wally’s Great Adventures #71. (VOLUME UP: BABY YOU’RE NO GOOD). hello friends, wally here. i’m sorry for being away so long, it’s almost been a whole entire month. i’d tell you why but dad said i would be in massive trouble. anyhoo, i’ll get you all caught up. it was my 10th month birthday last week (and i got no cake). i’m up to 18 lbs now, and dad just shakes his head. he said maybe he should start calling me Willy Wally, or Chubby, Chunky, Stubby or Stumpy. i told him I prefer my birth name, or Stout or Husky. he said I ain’t no Husky, and Stout won’t work either for a giant baked potato. That wasn’t very nice at all. I’ve been going on walks with Mom. I don’t like walks, they are so boring. I’d rather stay home and snack with Dad. this week dad decided to take inventory of my likes and don’t likes. and he said the list of dont likes is very long. here we go: 1) i don’t like walks, 2) I dont like to chase the stoopid ball, 3) I won’t (WILL NOT) go down the stairs, they are so scary, but I can scooch up the stairs no problemo. I’ll sit on top of the stairs quietly until someone notices I’m missing, and then they come and get me. 4) I don’t like hot weather. 5) I don’t like rain 6) I’m so scared of thunder and lightening and fireworks and loud noises. 7) I don’t like to walk on the wet grass because my belly drags along the bottom and i get all wet and Dad says I look like a pregnant baby hippo. 8) I don’t like staying in my crate, i will howl at the injustice until dad says he can’t take the madness anymore and he let’s me out – this works every single time. dad says he’s positive there is another 10-15 ‘don’t likes’ but it will have to wait until next time along with my list of 3 ‘likes.’ so that’s it for now. have a great long weekend! Wally.