Easily one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had

El Salvador

Our Eric travelled to El Salvador on a mission. Background posts can be found here: White T-Shirts and I can feel him.  He sent us a Thank You Note (shocking!) after he returned. Here’s his note:

From: Eric Kanigan
To:      David Kanigan, Susan Kanigan
Date:  Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:50 PM

Subj:   Thank you!

I’m sure you both were skeptical about whether you wasted a few thousand dollars to send me to El Salvador when I couldn’t explain what we were supposed to be doing down there.

I could ramble on and on about the details of the trip, and I’m sure I’ll share more about it on the phone  and when I come home in Easter.  It was a weird feeling going to a new place and not staying in at a nice hotel (polar opposite actually with an 85 degree room at night with lots of ants), but the week reaffirmed everything I love about traveling.  I guess I’m strange in that I enjoy even the time spent at the airport and on the airplane, and while it wasn’t quite as fun as our family adventures (hint hint), I loved every part of the trip.  It was cool to get a feel for a new place for a change, so different from the tourist perspective that we usually get. I made a number of friends down there with the coaches, some of which I’ve already been chatting with on Facebook since I got back to school.The warm weather felt great, and the mountains and the scenery were so amazing.  Spending time in the capital was an interesting experience- the small metal shacks that served as homes for many, and the crowded, narrow streets all seemed like something out of a movie.  Getting to walk through the gang neighborhoods was frightening when we started out, but being around the group leaders and the coaches who are respected so much by the gangs for what they do made it so that I never felt in danger at any point on the trip.

It was so cool to set up our health clinic in four completely unique locations during the week. The organizing team was so efficient.  Waking up at 6 wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for my spring break, but once I got over that hump, the remainder of the days were always great.  I took blood pressure for the people who came to get health care (when I wasn’t sneaking off to go play soccer), and while it felt good to be providing basic care for the people, part of me felt bad knowing that we really couldn’t help in a very significant way for some people that really needed it (I saw some people with blood pressures of 230/120! (Normal is 120/80)).  What left the biggest impression on me was the group leaders. I was moved by the group of guys who dedicate their lives trying to improve their country.  They recognize the issue of violence, and how many kids turn to gangs because they don’t have legitimate parental figures at home, so they try and fix that by providing them an environment where the kids feel like they belong, and give the children somewhere that they can look forward to going every week with the soccer school.
I could continuously heap praise on the coaches and the group leaders- they were unbelievable people.

Anyways, I just wanted to share how much I loved the trip, as I’m sure you didn’t gather that from our brief phone conversations.  Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do something like this- I know a lot of people don’t get the chance to go to a place like El Salvador.  It was easily one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had.

Related Posts: White T-Shirts and I can feel him

38 thoughts on “Easily one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had

  1. So many important lessons here…every little bit helps, anyone can make a difference, there’s always someone who’s worse off, etc., etc. Sounds as though Eric was an astute student. Really glad that he got to have this experience. I’m sure it will always be with him. My brother is a plastic surgeon who often does humanitarian missions in third-world countries (think Operation Smile). He says it’s the most rewarding work he does….no substitute for giving a little kid his smile back….


  2. One thing is clear – for all the harumphing you do about your boy, he is an amazing, insightful, smart, sensitive young man. You and Susan done good. Really, really, good.


  3. beautiful and what wonderful parents you are for helping him to be able to have this irreplaceable and life-changing experience. you are all lucky to have each other and what a gift for him to be able to understand the world firsthand. these notes, from our children, and from their hearts, are held in our hearts forever, as parents. we are proud and in awe of them.


  4. Compasion, caring, giving. Eric’s life has just been molded a little more in a way that only the future will reveal. Way to go Eric and mom and dad!


  5. Good on you for giving him the opportunity and good on him for recognizing what it was – awesome! Life-changing! Impactful! So exciting to read his appreciation and understanding of the many things we have to be thankful for – and one of them is the opportunity to give back 🙂 Nice job Mom & Dad!


  6. This totally made my day Dave. Change happens one person at a time. You have raised an amazing son who is already making such a positive impact in the world. At the end of the day that is what we leave behind in this world and this experience will help guide him along the way. Thanks for sharing.


  7. OMG, I was already in tears with the subject line of Eric’s letter “Thank you!” So proud of your young son… and YOU, David, for being such an amazing parent, along with Susan. At such a young age, Eric is already on a beautiful human path. It’s just…so…wonderful.


  8. Oh wow. What a fantastic email to get from your son after that kind of experience. He’s been changed, and he knows it. Amazing. You’ve raised a fantastic person 🙂


  9. That’s really lovely David! And so good to get to see how other people live many miles away, especially when you are young – broadens the mind a lot! I hope Eric gets to do a lot more travelling, and maybe one day he will find that he can really make a difference to a lot of people lives in the way that he wants to – I’m sure he will! 🙂


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