6:12 a.m. Now. Winter Solstice Commences.

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Click For Audio (“Snowstorm 1814” by Shady Bard From the Album “First The Winter)

Sources: Date/time start of winter. The Farmers Almanac.  Sources & Credits for these photo shares (and many other winter photos) can be accessed with a Tumblr account @ dkwinter.  Yes, that is our Zeke – in the third photo – his first winter – with snow on his nose.

23 thoughts on “6:12 a.m. Now. Winter Solstice Commences.

  1. Beautiful slideshow of the winter solstice. Each one has its own beauty. We are expecting our first snow fall of 3 to 4 inches. I can’t wait to photograph it.



  2. I dunno, Dave…being hit by pounding rain and high winds this morning…power went out about 5 AM. The new winter solstice is beginning to seem like the old autumnal equinox…

    Tis the season… 🙂

    – J.


  3. Ahhh, what a beautiful montage of images, David! I love the austere beauty of winter…the steely slice of sunlight through the trees, the hush of a landscape draped in freshly fallen snow, the joy of a puppy who’s experiencing his first brush with the ‘white stuff’ (Gosh, but Zeke is precious!!). Can’t imagine a more perfect way to kick off winter. Grazie….. 🙂


  4. Thank you David. Perfect timing. I have just done the final act of preparation for the arrival of my lovely daughter Emma from London (God willing, there has been flooding and the train may have problems). I put up the lights on the Christmas tree outside, have lit the fire and got the tree ready for her to decorate tomorrow morning. So now am ready to get into the spirit of things, and lo and behold, D Kanigan Esquire delivers. on cue! Pure genius.

    Warmest of wishes to you and yours, and tell your son his hair is cool and he should ignore any style input he receives from his father!! Not that he needs me to tell him that.


  5. Reblogged this on LaDona's Music Studio and commented:
    A fresh layer of snow fell overnight. It’s magic. For those of us in northern climes, Christmas and a snowy winter are synonymous. Enjoy this incredible slide show.


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