30 Gifts to 30 Strangers…

Lucas, a Brazilian man, moves to Australia and is grateful for the country and its people for open their arms to him.  On his 30th birthday, he decides to thank 30 complete strangers in Sydney by handing them each a gift.  “Man’s first responsibility is to be happy…The second is to make everyone else happy.”  Video is paired with beautiful music (This is the place where I feel at home…).

30 gifts to 30 strangers in Sydney from Lucas Jatoba on Vimeo.

Related Feel-Good Video Posts:

45 thoughts on “30 Gifts to 30 Strangers…

  1. Reblogged this on LifeRevelation and commented:
    Maybe it is I am just getting old, but here is what I like to think it is…I like to think there is something tremendous going on in the world. The world that we read of every day in the newspaper or hear about on the news is reckless, dangerous, and full impending collapse and failure. But the one I read and see in the blog world is one of hope, enchantment, and delight. There are ordinary people without huge commercial endorsements or advanced degrees who are doing small random acts of compassionate kindness. These people are changing the world for other people. Not lots of other people…it isn’t a global movement, but I feel safe in saying the people you see on this video will never forget the day a total stranger with a few of his friends walked up to them in a park and gave them a gift.
    This is how we change the world…we start by smiling while we are out in public, we hold the door for whoever is next, we say thank you and please, we make pleasant eye contact, we don’t talk on our cell phones while at the check out, we acknowledge that ALL people are worthy of our time and attention.
    Watch this video, then reblog it. Spread the word. Be kind. Be loving. Be real…and of course…Be encouraged!


  2. I love this..I will go to sleep on this incredible energy of giving..
    Thank you for a great post…though one suggestion…(kleenex should handy ! LOls)
    Beautiful Post
    Take Care…
    You Matter….


  3. I too am going to reblog this – it follow my thoughts from yesterday so perfectly (even more perfectly than yesterday’s post in total – once again David, here I am on top toes, trying to touch the bar you set)…do you ever stop and think of the ever widening, concentric circles of kindness that evolve from your one pebble? It is wondrous and astounding. Good on you my friend!


    1. Mimi, thank you. What would I do without you each morning to start my day. My sunrise. As to the “concentric circles,” the only ones that I see are tightening around my head. 🙂


      1. Perhaps you could squint through those and look at the larger ones grow larger in this universe where so many are touched by your posts. Whether it be with laughter, tears, sweat, amazement – I wish you could see these ever widening circles that you continue to create every time you post. And I’m sure there are some morning when my comments miss the mark, but as long as I rise early (and I’ve been doing that all my life) and can have coffee with my computer access in the morning, I’ll be almost as constant as the sun..


  4. Reblogged this on Waiting for the Karma Truck and commented:
    Once again David Kanigan’s blog Lead.Learn.Live is so outstanding, it would be wrong not to share it. What a cool guy Lucas is, how priceless the looks on the faces of the people he meets. How hopeful are the two words “thank you”…


  5. This is just beautiful, David. A beautiful sentiment, a heartwarming video, all of it. I’m really struck by Stephen’s words, too. It seems like we’re bombarded with negative messages on so many fronts these days–it’s really, really nice to be reminded that there’s still much joy in the world and much to be happy for, and it can spring from each of us. From time to time when I go through the tolls, I pay for the car behind me. I love thinking about the next person’s pleasant surprise when he/she pulls up to the window. :-). And at the coffee shop I frequent, there’s a woman who comes in every day, buys her coffee, and pays for a large cup for the next customer who comes to the register. I’ve been the lucky recipient and it absolutely delighted me (felt like I’d won the lottery for getting a $2 cup of joe), so now I do the same thing. Paying it forward is fun!! 🙂


  6. I love everything about this post and video and what it says about the kindness, compassion and love of others. This has inspired me to do the same. Thanks so much for sharing.



  7. Hmmmmm… to comment or not.
    Everyone wrote such nice sweet things – and I don’t mean to take away the value and inspiration of the sentiments – but the irony following the post earlier this week (attacking the concept of happiness) is pretty rich.
    IMHO it’s backwards. Maybe if man’s first responsibility were to make others happy (there was one other comment like this), one’s own happiness would be more likely to follow.


  8. That’s absolutely amazing! It gave me goosebumps so those random strangers faces light up and then random people bonding via a hug. A great reminder that no matter our differences, we’re all humans and we spreading joy is contagious!


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