Rescue me…

Basic CMYKAfter posting my work-out video this morning (For Those Who Suffer, We Ride…), I stepped on the scale to find that I had set a new personal worst…a 12-month high.  On with the running shoes, and out the door…no matter that the air was thick with humidity and threatening rain…I was determined to shake this weight off in one long run.

(Clank) (What is going on with you?) Flashback.

After Rachel left home to go to college, I camped out in the attic.  Meaning, on the couch…curtains drawn…big screen flashing…Friday night after work through the weekend.  This went on for several weeks.

I watched five consecutive seasons of the TV Series “Rescue Me.”  5 seasons = ~ 50 episodes.  50 shows = ~38 hours of TV.   Back to back to back to back to back to BACK. (Obsessive Personality Disorder.  Topic for upcoming post.)

There was no other TV during this Rescue Me marathon.  I took short breaks for meals, showers and potty breaks.  No exercise. No walks outdoors. No Zeke dog walking.  Minimal human interaction.  Just sayin’ – I was hunkered down.  (Who says it’s Moms that fall apart after the kids leave the nest).

If I could act, which I can’t, I would be Denis Leary. LOVE HIM. The Rescue Me series focused on the lives of New York City firefighters post 9-11 and was laced with drugs, alcohol, lying, cheating, stealing, family troubles, fighting, distress, drama, pranks, jokes, laughs, hi’s, lo’s, and on and on and on.  An orgy of badness and darkness.  I LOVED IT.  For me, it was the equivalent of a gorging on a trough full of donuts, caramel sauce and chocolate. I knew it was really bad for me – but I still couldn’t seem to get enough.

Enough, that is, until about the 47th episode.  (I’m a slow on the uptake, but once I get it, watch out.)

It was enough.  I started feeling ill.  Mood and attitude darkened.  (What are you doing? Garbage in. Garbage Out.)

A defining moment.  Time to cut down…shut down the tube.

And, I did.  For close to 18 months. (Law of Attraction.  Like attracts like.  Rhonda Byrnes. The Secret.  PMA. NLP.  Anthony Robbins. Jim Rohn.  Zig Ziglar. U.S. Andersen.)

Roll forward to today.

The clock is tickin’ to empty nest. August 23rd…Eric is off.

The big slide is underway.

Funk clouds gathering.

I’m back riding the Junk Train.

Weight clicking up like a thermometer in summer.

And I’m back on the road.



Image Credit: Obey Giant.  The image for Denis Leary’s Rescue Me Comedy Tour with proceeds benefiting the Leary Firefighters Foundation.

22 thoughts on “Rescue me…

  1. My ‘like’ didn’t mean that I like that you were sad and watched 5 seasons of a tv show in a row!!:) but just that I enjoyed reading the post and I hope the best for you for the future!


  2. I relate, Dave. My best counsel is that it gets better. If you are like me, you will really enjoy your adult “people.” Then, if you experience the joy of grandbabies, oh, my. Last week, I observed that my two year old grandson is very confident in his choices. He’s quite clear on “yes” and “no” preferences. His dad agreed and lamented the challenge. Knowing where the two year little guy copied that trait, I just smiled. Dad wondered what this trait will be like when he’s a teenager. Smile that broke my face.


  3. No need to compare parallel stories, just know that a lot of us ‘get it’…These cycles in life that require adjustment are just damn tough – and if someone says, ‘well consider the alternative’, you have permission to tell them off in whatever way you think best. I don’t know if you were writing when Rachel went away to school, but my hunch is that you’re rescuing yourself right now…and doing as fine a job as one can.


  4. Well, at least you’re aware of what’s happening and doing something about it. It’s hard to deal with major changes in our lives. I admire you for getting out there and running.


  5. Wow. You need serious help!!!
    I’m over-the-top happy today because my son came home last night after being gone for all of 5 weeks. Can’t imagine what is yet to come 😦


  6. I so, so missed my son, Joshua, when he went to university D: But I was happy for him, managing to get an unconditional offer as a mature student and finally fleeing the nest. We are still the best of friends. When he first went I think I lost weight, rather than put it on, but we’re all made differently, and being underweight is as much of a health issue as carrying a few extra pounds. You’ll adapt to Eric going, and if eating too much or watching telly series back to back helps you through it, then give in to it for a while. Better than going insane 😉


  7. I know where you are coming from, been there myself. Ah…but I can tell you it gets better. My adult children are so awesome and along with their spouses our home fills up with joy and laughter when they visit and tears when they leave…the seasons do change but each has a beauty of its own. Thank you for sharing from your heart.


  8. If you love Denis Leary you should watch “The Ref”, that is if you haven’t already seen it. This movie also stars Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis. It is one of the most hilarious and touching movies that I have ever seen. It takes the viewer on a fun ride while showing a deeper side to relationships: how they work and how they can become something we get lost in while losing perspective of how and why we love someone.


      1. Please do let me know what you think of it. I have a feeling that you are going to absolutely love it! There is a scene where Kevin Spacey has this amazing monologue where he is chewing out Leary’s and Davis’ characters that, as far as I am concerned, is one of the all time best. See if you can pick out the one I’m talking about when you watch it…


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