Genetics aren’t optional but what we do with them is…

By Craig Harper: Fifteen Lessons From the Gym Floor.  A few excerpts

go jogging not“In thirty years of working with bodies and, more importantly, the people who inhabit them, I’ve learned a bit…

1) Genetics aren’t optional but what we do with them is.

3) Many of us like the idea of losing weight but not the practical reality of it.

4) Some of us have been *almost* changing our habits and bodies for years.

5) Many of us have an unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship with food.

6) In many instances our body is the result. Not the problem.

10) The most effective exercise program is not always the most enjoyable program.

13) Finding a problem requires less effort than finding a solution.

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9 thoughts on “Genetics aren’t optional but what we do with them is…

  1. The saying, no pain no gain is true. Socrates says pain and pleasure are twin brothers. Got to be brave, prepared to face pain, the strife, the cr*p to change. It is often for most to coward out of something rather than face the penalty of having to change.


      1. “How strange would appear to be this thing that men call pleasure! and how curiously it is related to what is thought is its opposite, pain!” Socrates in the Phaedo.


  2. There’s that t-shirt that says “Pain is temporary; pride is forever.” Works well for me – although I don’t have the shirt. When I’m running, I WILL NOT let anyone see me falter. When I started my biggest fear was that a WALKER might pass me going uphill, I was running so slowly.
    Probably not the best overall life solution, but it’s working in this arena.
    Time to brave the (cold) rain and get going…


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