Wally’s Great Adventures (55)

Wally’s Great Adventures (55 – VOLUME UP) hello friends, wally here. after my tummy aches earlier in the week, which led to 2 vomiting episodes @ 2:30 am which dad called the release of “a toxic chemical bath” all over the bed – – several of my girlfriends on FB suggested that maybe we should try snacking on carrots rather than the scat in the backyard, ‘nasty scat’ is what dad calls it. my girlfriends are so smart. i don’t have tummy aches any more, and i just love carrots. they are so sweet. dad says my poopie now looks like little bitty orange popsicles, and mom says leave it to dad to go over-the-top on snacks. just wanted to thank all of you, and if you have any more tips for snacks, all beef sausages would be amazing, tell dad, please! have a great weekend. Wally.

31 thoughts on “Wally’s Great Adventures (55)

  1. Carrots are so good for you, Wally, and for your teeth. Unfortunately, Lia and Dot don’t like them and spit them out when I give them to them. They much prefer sausages (which give Lia a tummy ache). Easy does it on the snacks you little cuties. Sunday hugs.


  2. Sweet Wally, I’m so glad you’re all better! I love carrots too! Mom is still watching your video eating the carrots mesmerized … me , I’m just drooling all over the place! Woof! Hera
    ps apple crisps or apple slices are good snacks too [not too ripe, I hear sugar isn’t good for us]


  3. Blueberries are always fun, and peanut butter! A little plain yogurt. – delicious and full fat content to boot! Chicken! And if you’re wondering if I make homemade goodies for Bogey and Lucy – why yes, yes I do. But that’s just ‘cause I’m a total sucker – any of those options are yummy for your tummy, Wally…Enjoy those carrots!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Bogey and Lucy have cool names and a cool mom. I get blueberries every morning, but no peanut butter yet. Dad says I need to stop pee peeing on the couch first. Have a great Sunday!


  4. Wally, my doggie loved carrots too, an ‚easy‘ treat and so much healthier than other, salted stuff. Ever heard of a dog NOT liking sausages? Neither have I 😉
    I only thought: boy, is wally getting an awful lot of carrots, until i realised that your hoooman had the vid set on ‚endless‘ repeat. Took me a while to realise… but then it‘s Sunday and my brain has a few hours off-time….


  5. Your friend Beau the Lab also likes broccoli (cooked or raw), though as I type this, I realize I can’t really think of any foodstuff your friend Beau doesn’t like. 😳 And Aunt Mimi is right…peanut butter is the bomb. Just tell Mom and Dad to make sure it’s ‘clean’ ….. just ground peanuts. A lot of peanut butter like Jiff and Skippy have xylitol in them and that is VERY bad for dogs.


  6. I watched your video over and over, dear Wally. Love it ❤️
    Which reminds me, I have the weirdest allergy to carrots. I can eat them shredded, sliced, cooke and everything will be ok.
    But, if I take a bite of a whole carrot, I instantly get the hiccups. And I always forget that and still take a bite every single time I peel a carrot 🥕.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear Wally…so glad your tummy is happy again. Can hear that you’re a really good carrot eater! I learned that raw carrot (and raw celery) sticks are good for humans–help us not catch colds, so I made them for my 3 children every night while dinner was being prepared and they were hungry.


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