It’s been a long day

Human life is a kind of myopia, everyone walking around, seeing only what’s in front of them, or not even that—passing each other by, embroiled in our little dramas to such an extent that we miss out on everything; making big what is small.

Sheila HetiMotherhood: A Novel (Henry Holt and Co., May 1, 2018)

Notes: Illustration: Owen Gent. Related Posts: It’s been a long day

32 thoughts on “It’s been a long day

          1. Hmmm… we shall discuss this further, in comfortable chairs with a glass of whatever appeals, wine, beer, scotch… (we’re trying to be healthy, so no chocolate mint gelato)

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  1. This is so very true. In the new year my son and I began identifying one thing that captured our eye during our long drives to / from school each day. What a difference it makes to appreciate what often goes unnoticed. Astonished at how this has changed the whole vibe of the car ride.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. and your comment reminds me of this:

      Waking up in the morning
      I vow with all beings
      to be ready for sparks…

      I vow with all beings
      to let the pain and surprise
      slow me down to this step,
      this step.

      ~Robert Aitken, from “Zen Vows for Daily Life”

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Julian. And your thought also reminds me of:

      Waking up in the morning
      I vow with all beings
      to be ready for sparks…

      I vow with all beings
      to let the pain and surprise
      slow me down to this step,
      this step.

      ~Robert Aitken, from “Zen Vows for Daily Life”


  2. Maybe more people must lose their eyesight and thus become able to see the smallest kinds of and around our daily life. As a hobby photographer I’ve always seen the unexpected, the odd thing out, now my seeing less and less makes me more and more aware of the BIGness of SMALLest things.
    The quote is absolutely beautiful and not to be taken lightly. Laughing at oneself often helps too!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Of course not…. That’s not what I was meaning to say (although it sounds as if….). I have become even more aware of the ‘small beauties’ in my life as other senses heighten heavily, compensate, reward for those lost.

        Liked by 1 person

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