T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

Source: Newthom

26 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

  1. I dare you, you’re a man drink this, take this drug you can drive after this. And after this, the person does what they told and then dies, what a wast. We have feer will so think.

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  2. 🙂 🙂
    Is this real in any way at all? I didn’t know the americans had THIS twisted way of humour…. It was yesterday, after 2 phone calls I had (each for more than one hour, my ears were hurting!) that I decided (again….) to take life slower – this goes just so well with it!

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  3. The photo: Such beauty in the vast West, along those logging roads…An opportunity to stop, breath, taken in by the beauty, the deep nature sounds of water, birds of prey calling, cry and then the silence of being so small with the vast, where in the summer the wildflowers bloom…// The force of water…I’ve been on a very remote road that was washed out…we were on a narrow, one lane road that snaked on for miles, hoping to meet another road to find the turn off to a remote ranch,… unannounced to meet an author and hopefully purchase her book…the ranch we’d just left has interesting husband and wife owners both journalist (one of the nominated for a Pulitzer) he suggest we just make the 80 miles detour to this authors remote ranch he said she’d love company! The road should have been closed from my direction…must have sat in the comfort of the car for 15 or 20 minutes before the road crew noticed in surprise to see a car, so close to the junction of the road we were looking for…the crane lifted the steel plate and put it over the gaping void and we drove over it! We arrived at the ranch house, knocked the door and I said hello are Kristie? yes! I said I am as well and that (unnamed person ) the other (small) ranch owner said you might have a copy of your book we could purchase! She said of course, come in! She said, that we weren’t the first knock on the door in search of buying her book, a group of hunters the fall before us…we told her how much we enjoyed reading her book out-loud, while vacationing on this other ranch and how it was great to meet her and see the land that she wrote about…

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