Saturday Morning


A breakfast of chocolate and oranges.
Reading, falling again into sleep.
He said very little.
They were deep in contentment;
it was full, beyond words.
It was like a day of rain.

~ James Salter, Light Years


11 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. We just came in from the garden, the broccoli cut, soon to be steamed…I sat down to glance over your offerings and I saw that luscious photo and fell into the words of James Salter…his words somewhat reminiscent of part of my day…the photo made we wish I had the dried, chocolate en-robed mangoes that I passed over at the store this week. The pairing of chocolate dipped delights and a bed, so rich….
    The neighborhood was quiet this late afternoon, early evening.. though punctuated with the occasional exchange between my pup and the neighbors dogs… the warm breeze, catching the bohemian print curtain which sailed at times wildly, overtaking and covering me, while the white cloth canopy buffeting overhead, underneath the pure blue of the clear sky … the calming chorus of the aspen tree’s leaves, adjacent singing and swaying as we lay cozy on the garden bed, talking and reading, at times he’d reach over and take his wine glass of the shelf to sip his Napa cabie…the perfect warm low 80’s embrace of mid spring such a privileged gift this welcoming of the garden bed season..the simple, quiet, nurturing time of freedom adrift in a lazy afternoon.

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  2. Yes, planted early this spring as opposed to over-wintering broccoli (cole crops grow well here)…the strawberries are flowering, two have formed and are red! Peas flowering ,some in town already have peas formed…lettuce, herbs are plentiful and not too long before rhubarb can be picked…apple trees heavily laden with darling little promises, each season varies, greatly… he didn’t plant leeks last fall, for spring harvest but he did have some in the refrig yesterday which he used in making a most delicious quiche!! *the weather here on Sunday was heavy, soaking drizzle, it was sultry and then in the afternoon it cleared and warmed 🙂

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