Do Over.


When he was a puppy, he slept curled at my feet, under the covers.  The arch of my foot would caress his tailbone. As the night passed to early morning, he would inch up to my knees, still under the covers.

I would turn to my side and set my knee on his back, my leg rising and falling with his breathing.

Eight years later, he’s done with his breakfast. He jumps up on the bed, nudging his nose on the blanket, signaling it’s time to lift the covers. He turns in a tight circle once, and then again, and then falls. He shifts so he is parallel to me, with his back to my belly and his tail at my feet. No longer a puppy, his 70 pounds leans in.

I turn to my side and set my knee on his back, my leg rises and falls with his breathing.

I slide my hand under the cover and touch his silky ears, and pull him in tighter.

He stirs.

No, I can’t buy this on Amazon or find this on the Tube or in a Book.

No, I can’t feel this in any other Moment.


46 thoughts on “Do Over.

  1. Are you peeping into my bedroom? 😍 My Oreo spoons me nightly. When I make stretch noises, he climbs up to sniff my eyes & get butterfly kisses. His fav!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. In my cabin…3 dogs and a pig share various dog beds scattered around the heat on the main floor…while the cats rule the bed!!! No dog would attempt the bed as long as the cats and boyfriend are inhabiting. Sometimes…I sure miss the old dog-on-the-bed days!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Our ‘fur kids’ are the BEST, aren’t they pal? I, too, have this scenario or something akin to it every night. Beau traces a ‘migratory pattern’ around me over the course of the night. He starts as a 70-lb. turban, wrapped around my head, then midway through the night dives under the covers and curls up by feet. We end with spoons, head to head, toe to toe. I never get a solid night’s sleep and I’d be lost without him….

    Liked by 1 person

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