Sunday is for…Pancakes


Double Chocolate Pancakes. That’s right. That’s what we’re talkin’ about.

Creator: Angie Dudley, a.k.a Bakerella, is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Cake Pops and creator of Check out her recipe here: Cocoa Nuts! Make Bakerella’s Double Chocolate Pancakes.



41 thoughts on “Sunday is for…Pancakes

    1. Laughing. I certainly do Lori. If you missed this David Brook’s article, it’s worthy – titled The Mental Virtues:

      The mind is embedded in human nature, and very often thinking well means pushing against the grain of our nature — against vanity, against laziness, against the desire for certainty, against the desire to avoid painful truths. Good thinking isn’t just adopting the right technique. It’s a moral enterprise and requires good character, the ability to go against our lesser impulses for the sake of our higher ones.

      ~ David Brooks, The Mental Virtues


    1. I had NO idea such a word existed. Thanks for the English language lesson Carolann. Great word.

      Akrasia (n): the state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgment through weakness of will.


  1. Oh, worship the chocolate in all it’s glory! How could you torture me with a picture like that, when I love chocolate but it doesn’t love me? Did you actually eat these for breakfast, Dave, or are you also torturing yourself?

    Liked by 1 person

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