Monday Mantra

T.S. Eliot

Source: Rudyoldeschulte

27 thoughts on “Monday Mantra

  1. what is life, but a series of moments, all strung together, and each one with a life of it’s own, like each frame in a film? put together they make a movie, but they each stand alone as a snapshot in time, a short, yet complete story in themselves.


      1. And reminds me of:

        All the wisdom of the sages reinforces this truth. As the Buddha lay dying after a 45-year career seeking and teaching the way to true consciousness, it is believed that his last words were “appamadena sampadetha,” which means “Strive diligently,” or, “Work consciously.” Our labor should be an agreeable path to spiritual enlightenment.

        ~ Arthur C. Brooks, The Father’s Example


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