SMWI*: The Ascent

SMWI* = Saturday morning workout inspiration.

16 thoughts on “SMWI*: The Ascent

      1. exactly why the shakers and the amish build things with one brick or piece of wood out of place every so often, to remind us of the imperfection of our humanity.


      1. That face, at the end, got me. Something was resolved. Of course, it’s a Rorschach test…what was he fighting through? As an old broad, I can come up with some pretty painful scenarios, and then I project them onto his (my) journey. What else is art for? Thanks.


  1. Far more thoughtful comments here than anything I can provide. I agree with Lynne – trying to figure out what he was working/fighting through and coming up with some truly awful alternatives. And the sun at the end? Grace.


  2. already worked out today so this will be Sunday’s workout inspiriation! .I saw a form of joy in his expression…tapping into his deepest self and connecting with nature in a way that’s beyond expression…


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