30 years. And counting.


30 years ago today.
On a steamy afternoon in Northern Michigan.
They were married.

Her Yin to His Yang.

The Beauty. Gentle, kind and forgiving.
The Beast, less so.

She, the passionate Extrovert,
seeking comfort in conversation and friendship.
He, in constant retreat to solitude.

She, the Mother, a nurturer. Their Friend.
He, the Father, the rules enforcer, the Driver.

She, steady, firmly anchored in high winds and heavy seas.
He, bringing it in bits and pieces,
but giving the best he had.

And despite the pull and tug of opposing forces,
the sweet music plays on.

Happy Anniversary Pal.

Here’s to 30 more.



Credits: (1) Balloon Image. (2) Jim Morrison’s Words: Virgin State of Mind (…bringing it in bits and pieces…)

83 thoughts on “30 years. And counting.

  1. Happy 30th to you and your best friend. We just celebrated our 40th in April and it is very hard to understand how time has flown by. Enjoy every minute of yours.


  2. Masha’Allah! (I use this word to show joy & praise & to congratulate someone when am really happy for them :)). Best wishes to you both on your anniversary. May the love that you share last your lifetime through…
    “Happy Wedding Anniversary” 🙂


  3. Lovely tribute, and what an accomplishment — congrats to you both. 30 years is not always a picnic, or as my cousin’s husband put it, “Yep — cellmates for 3 decades, now.” We celebrated ours in August. Good heavens, I know so many people from our generation who are celebrating their 30th… guess we did some things right, huh?


  4. A tad belated; “Happy Anniversary” to you and St. Susan …yes, there are female Saints in my church and I’m quite certain she earned it. Seriously though, congratulations on 30 years and all that you have accomplished and experienced together.


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