4:02 am. And Inspired.

portrait, girl,child

Good Wednesday morning. Here are my selections of the inspiring posts of the week:

Mona Howard @ Ramblings with her post titled: Practicing with my favorite model. That’s a picture of her granddaughter above. Be sure to check out Mona’s slide show at this link.  Children.  Miracles. (As is the photographer’s work.)

Marga @ Life As Improv with her poem titled Going It Alone (With Others): “…Going deep is a solitary thing. Aloneness is  guarded at my gate – Hours of no thing. I sew into my pocket by hand. I would gulp you silence in a chalice…”  Then she closes with a wonderful quote from John O’Donohue: “…Until you learn to inhabit your aloneness, the lonely distraction and noise of society will seduce you into false belonging, with which you will only become empty and weary. When you face your aloneness, something begins to happen…This is slow work; it takes years to bring your mind home.”  Read Marga’s entire poem and O’Donohue’s full quote here.

Yvonne @ MISIFUSA’s Blog with her post: Pink Post ~ Life After Breast Cancer: “…But it’s not all flowery after you’re through with the treatments.  As many who have endured disease and illness, the aftermath is often the hardest…Because what the hell do I do now?  There’s no one to tell you how to live after you’ve endured the ugliness of cancer, the treatments, the surgeries, the chemo,  the radiation, the humiliation, the poking and prodding by others.  Family and friends are weary from care-taking and the disruption to their lives.  All are ready for life to get back to normal ~ as are you…”  Read more at this link.

Cultfit with a post titled If Only (for) A Moment: “…I sat in this spot for a long while, appreciating the gift nature generously brought it to me. In this moment I traveled back through the years, the many miles I have ridden, run, walked … To the many opportunities that nature had presented kindly to me. Often I answered, more times than naught I didn’t…” Read more @ this link.

Todd Lohenry @ Living Business with a share from Mitch Joel @ Six Pixels of Separation with his post titled: There’s a Bigger Picture. And It’s Worth Thinking About. “…Everybody wants everything right now. Today. Instantly. Steve doesn’t think like that. He gives abundantly. He shares. He connects. He brings people together. He makes himself available to people interested in the space. Whether it was video podcasting, blogging, running a new media meet-up or being active on Twitter, Steve isn’t always looking for his next play or how much money he’s making from the videos that he used to post online. He took his time. He built trust. He helped others and look what happened…”  Todd helped me get started in blogging and continues to be a valuable resource.  He too shares abundantly.  Be sure to click through Todd’s post at this link.

Cristi Moise @ Simple & Interesting with his photo share of Serengeti, Tanzania“...which hosts the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world, which helps secure it as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, and one of the ten natural travel wonders of the world.

Have a great hump day.


26 thoughts on “4:02 am. And Inspired.

  1. And a better Wednesday it already is – thank you…Now with Bogey making his total puppyness well known, it ay take all day to get through these – but I will!


      1. He is that without question – and silly and goofy and klutzy and kissable..and tiring, attention-requiring and schedule-obliterating. And in a couple of weeks, I will not even remember the latter inconveniences at all..;-)


  2. I was consumed by these posts. Very educational. And I loved this line, “This is slow work; it takes years to bring your mind home.”


  3. Regarding the animal migration photo, imagine this in the Ice Age multiplied several thousand times. Ice Age = animal abundance.


  4. I’m humbled by your kindness and generosity, thank you so very much! I hope this comment finds you with a smile on your face and the day treating well – Take care!


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