Monday Morning Wake Up Call. Don’t Ease Out of Bed. Jump!

Penguin Jumping Gif

Thank you Headlikeanorange.  I can’t seem to get enough Penguins. 🙂

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28 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake Up Call. Don’t Ease Out of Bed. Jump!

  1. This is amazing, the pinguin jumped out like I feel today – jumping out of passed troubles and jumping in my re-entry to the inspiring blogging world. Fits perfectly!! Thank you for sharing and friendly greetings from Italy, Katharina


  2. Such joy! And I love how the guy in front looks over towards him — “Oh there he goes again. So undignified.” :o) Happy Monday, Dave.


      1. I know. It was starting to worry me that I couldn’t click to turn it off. Every time I wanted to click, another one would jump out and another and another. You’re going to drive us all nuts!!!! ( maybe it’s already too late for me – these Sisyphean clips will do that to a person).


  3. I love the image and in all seriousness I do jump out of bed each morning. I intentionally set my alarm just out of reach so that I can’t turn it off from my bed. Plus, its loud and annoying and I don’t want to wake my kids, so I have to rush to it immediately. I’ve never been a snooze person though.


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