Serenity on Sunday with Marina…

Marina Kanavaki has been a gracious blog follower from the early days of my journey.  Not sure how we connected but I’m happy we did.  Marina was born in Athens, Greece.  She studied art and music in Athens and London including Classical piano, jazz improvisation and classical singing.  She is now a creative art director.  She has had her work shown in Smith΄s Gallery (London) and painting exhibitions in Epohes gallery, in Athens.

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9 thoughts on “Serenity on Sunday with Marina…

  1. Thank you very much for this David! I’m honored!
    I live in Greece and yes, it’s not an easy existence, but that would probably be the case anywhere, especially for an artist! Money is just another thing gone wrong among so many others… [very big conversation this!] I find remedy in sticking to my values, trying to improve myself and…well, switching the bl… tv off!
    Thanks again for your kind words!


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