Hump Day: 4:16 am and inspired…

Thank you Steve Layman for kicking us off on Hump Day Inspirations with Joe Cocker singing “Feelin’ Alright.”  VOLUME UP.  Hit the link…let’s go…

Thank you Maria Popova at Explore a new site I’ve camped out in – chock full of inspirations.  Maria’s share yesterday – – 50 things to do before you are 11 ¾ – – was from the UK National Trust which is encouraging kids to get outdoors.  I walk around my neighborhood, and I rarely see kids playing outside.  It is sad.  I wandered down this list of 50 and it brought back a longing for memories of my childhood…

#1 Climb a tree…#3 Camp out in the wild…#6 Run around in the rain…#7 Fly a kite…#8 Catch a fish with a net…#9 Eat an apple straight from the tree…#11 Throw some snow…#14 Dam a stream…#21 Eat Blackberries growing in the wild (huckleberries for me)…#28 Climb a huge hill…

Thank you Ed Buzz for “Real Change Takes Time.” Ed (his pen name) is a superintendent of a school district in California.  Want to taste real leadership in a school?  Take a moment to check out this post and his blog.  With more Superintendents like Ed, we will be back.  Yes, we will.

It took time to see the change.  Getting people to start believing in themselves often does – especially when you hear a constant drumbeat of negativity.  The only cure is to keep to what you believe and work toward building success one person at a time

Rob Firchau @ The Hammock Papers shared a post titled “Love” on a fishing buddy who recently passed away.  A moving tribute that should be read in its entirety:

So what is the measure of a man? Is it his success in the business world? The amount of money he makes or the toys he acquires? Is it worldliness, knowledge, education, recognition, fame? I say the measure of a man is based on the lives he touches, the people he influences and guides and the people he befriends along the way. I’ll take that even further to say that in the end there are two basic desires we all search for in life: we want someone to love and someone to love us.

I was sitting on my can a few days ago and it all started with a post titled “Good Run” on “A Hockey Coaches Corner of the World.”

“Tonight I needed a good run to beat me up and get rid of the stress of the day…My first 50 feet of the run I must have looked ridiculous, all hunched over and rocking from side to side up to the end of my street.  Because of the soreness I couldn’t find a good pace.  I went from 10:30 pace to 8:05 and back to 9:30.  The whole run was like that.  In the end I made it 7 miles and was thoroughly whipped by the finish.  Good run that help get rid of the stress of the day and let me think through the problems that need to be resolved.  Back to the woods on Saturday.”

Then the get-up-and-at-it post was followed by Lori @ Donna and Diablo in a comment on my post “Should I Work-Out Today” explaining her work-out discipline.  She gets up every day but Sunday – – at 4am to start her day – – with a 1 hour to 2 hour work out at the gym.  This was Lori’s personal WAKE UP CALL to me.  And pushed my sorry-you-know-what out the door for my first runs in months.

Thank you Paco for sharing “The Real Meaning of Words.” It is a one-minute YouTube video of emotionally moving pictures. My favorites – pick any one with a child or animal…here’s one shot to give you a warm up…

Have a great Hump day everyone!



Image Credits: Just Do it ImageLives You Touch – Thank you Heather Down

16 thoughts on “Hump Day: 4:16 am and inspired…

  1. I hope you feel pride and awesome humility when you consider how many lives you are touching David, the enormous difference you are making in the lives of people you will likely never meet but who continue to be touched by your presence here. Happy Hump Day..


  2. I agree, David. I look forward to your posts every day! Always something to make me smile,or make me think, or make me just stop and *savor the moment.* No small gift you give your readers!!


  3. I’m on vacation this week, and I’ve just been scrambling, oddly enough, to spend the time with my family, crank out a few posts, and pretend to work on the novel that has gone unfinished for twenty year. Thanks for the reminder that it won’t matter how much money I’ve made. And the failures of the past don’t matter. What matters is 1)is God pleased, 2) did I make the wifer smile, 3) did I teach my son and/or make him smile, and 4) did I show kindness to anyone today? The part about the work-out is also great, but I can’t comment on it without being a hypocrite….bless you brother! 🙂


    1. I’m still smiling after I read your comment 3 times. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Love the candor. Made the “wifer smile.” And you have been going at it for 20 years in your novel pursuit. That’s more than I can say or dream about. As to the work-out thing, what an ongoing battle it is. Enjoy your vacation!


  4. I enjoy your blog very much. This post in particular was welcomed as I too had posted a video in celebration of “Hump Day”. However, I was truly inspired and touched by the video concluding your post and reproduced it on my own blog. Thank you for being here in the blogosphere. –Rick


  5. Love Joe Cocker singing anything–and I did everyone one of those things outdoors as a child–thousands of times–growing up on a farm in Mississippi. Giving and receiving love, getting kids outdoors (did it with my own and now they do it with theirs!),getting in a good run–wonderful Hump Day stuff!


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