Should I Work Out Today?

Source: ilovecharts & ohsnapitsluna

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24 thoughts on “Should I Work Out Today?

  1. Very funny. I will say that, as someone who begins every day with a workout, it’s a great way to set the stage for your day. Ya don’t always feel like doin’ it, but you *always* feel better when it’s done. :-).


      1. 1 to 2 hours. You can stop tormenting me any time. But I’ll give you this. I haven’t run outside in 3 months. You have inspiring me to do it TODAY. As soon as it gets light out, I’m off. Thanks for the inspiration.


  2. I thought I was moderately fit until I had to stop five times to catch my breath walking up a hill today, which a year ago I could ascend at high speed while talking nineteen-to-the-dozen to one of my friends. My dog kept looking back and waiting for me, with an expression on her face that said ‘I must be patient with the old girl’ D:

    Now I’m back home, I feel great 😀


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