Wally’s Great Adventures (72)

Wally’s Great Adventures #72. (VOLUME UP – AC DC) hello friends, wally here. a few days ago dad shared my inventory of ‘dont likes.’ now its time to share the first in the series of My Likes. my bestest like ever is to drag my bones under the kitchen table where dad is eating and then keep jamming them into his giant feet until he gets the message – he then grips onto the bone with his feet while i gnaw and gnaw and gnaw at them. mom said that this is one of the few things that dad is really good at. i didn’t think that was nice of mom to say that, but we both snickered…good one mom. have a great hump day!

56 thoughts on “Wally’s Great Adventures (72)

  1. Sully, you trained Daddy well. Only a few animals can grip with their feet.
    Next, you should be training him on the toe grip. Prehensility, the ability to grasp like a hand. We’re flipping the evolutionary ladder upside down here.

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      1. Sully, yes!
        This is Sully in the video, not Wally. Even though dad called him Wally in the post. I just took a screenshot, so he doesn’t claim I’m making this up.
        But I let it go so Sully’s feelings are not hurt.

        Dad also posted a Monday morning wake up call yesterday, on a Tuesday. And I let that go too.

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          1. That’s a given. As soon as you have more than one, it’s an automatic listing of them all before you get to the right one. I remember my brother-in-law’s sister-in-law bitching that the father could never get her husband’s name right. I looked at her and said: You’re an only child, aren’t you? LOL She was shocked that I knew… 🙄

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  2. Hi little guy (that’s directed at you, Wally – not dad) – I’m so glad that dad can keep the bone still for you. There’s nothing worse than feeling lie a good gnaw, and the bone won’t keep still. It’s clear you guys are forming a formidable duo…

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  3. Oh My! This post has 53 comments! (54 now lol). I wonder what the record is (no, I’m not going to try to figure it out).

    Hey Wally! When you’re done with that bone, you might consider chewing on dad’s feet. The reaction might be worthy of another video!


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