Wally’s Great Adventures (71)

Wally’s Great Adventures #71. (VOLUME UP: BABY YOU’RE NO GOOD). hello friends, wally here. i’m sorry for being away so long, it’s almost been a whole entire month. i’d tell you why but dad said i would be in massive trouble. anyhoo, i’ll get you all caught up. it was my 10th month birthday last week (and i got no cake). i’m up to 18 lbs now, and dad just shakes his head. he said maybe he should start calling me Willy Wally, or Chubby, Chunky, Stubby or Stumpy. i told him I prefer my birth name, or Stout or Husky. he said I ain’t no Husky, and Stout won’t work either for a giant baked potato. That wasn’t very nice at all. I’ve been going on walks with Mom. I don’t like walks, they are so boring. I’d rather stay home and snack with Dad. this week dad decided to take inventory of my likes and don’t likes. and he said the list of dont likes is very long. here we go: 1) i don’t like walks, 2) I dont like to chase the stoopid ball, 3) I won’t (WILL NOT) go down the stairs, they are so scary, but I can scooch up the stairs no problemo. I’ll sit on top of the stairs quietly until someone notices I’m missing, and then they come and get me. 4) I don’t like hot weather. 5) I don’t like rain 6) I’m so scared of thunder and lightening and fireworks and loud noises. 7) I don’t like to walk on the wet grass because my belly drags along the bottom and i get all wet and Dad says I look like a pregnant baby hippo. 8) I don’t like staying in my crate, i will howl at the injustice until dad says he can’t take the madness anymore and he let’s me out – this works every single time. dad says he’s positive there is another 10-15 ‘don’t likes’ but it will have to wait until next time along with my list of 3 ‘likes.’ so that’s it for now. have a great long weekend! Wally.

38 thoughts on “Wally’s Great Adventures (71)

  1. AWESOME to hear from you Wally!

    Who is singing the background song in your video? I’ve never heard that version. It’s cool! Love all those pics of you too!!

    I’d like to insert some snarky remarks here, but right now I am in shock just from seeing a post from you! Lol (just kidding dad.)

    Hang in there… You’re doing fine!
    Dad’s like to pick on their kids. My dad did the same thing to me! It’s a phase… he will outgrow it. For now, just ignore him! Remember…#TEAMWALLY has your back!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. He finally remembers you!
    It’s been too long.
    Welcome back. You’re been missed.

    The list of things daddy doesn’t like wraps around Earth 5 times.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wally! Welcome back, you cute little dude. You are growing and it sounds like you’re getting the Kanigan household well in hand…good man. Training one’s hooomans is no joke, but if anyone can do it, it’s you. 💪

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmm, well I thought you’d want to know… Dad, has updated, his sock, repertoire…these are fun and have a bit of color…When I’m visiting him in his home office ( I have Wally snacks & Dad has his snacks<< he thinks I don't know about his snacks, he doesn't notice how I watch his hand unwrapping a snack, I can be dog napping and I hear the crinkling of the wrappers too… even when he listens to Eric Clapton) I have a cozy, nap bed there, too. Dad wishes he could take a nap) he even wears, slippers – good thing his feet are hidden from view, from his zoom, calls…Dad has to realize that he is jealous of a dog's life…Wally Gator the Pup.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Christie, I don’t know if I should be talking to you on dad’s side or stay in Wally’s camp but I have to say that you seem to know a heck of a lot about dad’s habits! Are you sitting behind your curtain with binoculars and watching the Kanigan house? LOL
      But you don’t have to be a clairvoyant really to guess his game, eh?
      My comment of the day so far, you’re good! 🙃🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh wally, I truly thought I hadn’t read you for so long because I was never on any blog for a long time…. but it seems I’ve caught up with you just at the right time. Welcome back you (and me?).
    I can see the longish list of your ‘don’t likes’, but that’s just just teenage behaviour. So so normal…. let it go. Or better even, tell dad that it will get worse before it gets better…. that sd shut him up for a while.
    Lovely video, thanks for the smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Good to see you Wally and know that you’re fine! My first thought was you looked better than ever–I didn’t notice a belly dragging on the ground. Maybe some kind of regular fun walks would help. Do you move to music? Linda Ronstadt is fun, but you might prefer, “Who Let The Dogs Out?”


  7. HI Wally! Your fan base has missed you! Quick question – is dad engaging in any projection here? I’m not sure, but your dad on a bad day would outpace you easily…just sayin …

    Liked by 1 person

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