Wally’s Great Adventures (40)

Wally’s Great Adventures (40). hello friends, wally here. whoo hoo, big news today. it all started with mom reading all your comments on yesterday’s post accusing dad of puppy abuse by sending me out in the arctic tundra without a jacket. mom was horrified, and wanted you-all to know that I have grown so fast, my jackets don’t fit around my coochy belly. so mom and i went shopping today to a custom frenchie dress shop, and did we get some awesome stuff, new jackets with hoodies to cover my ears, new vests, fleece underwear gotchees just like dad has, so dad and i can walk around like twinners in the neighborhood like Boyz in the Hood. just check out the photos. dad saw mom and me come home with so many shopping bags and he said WTH is all that? mom said just you wait and see. he stared at both of us, shook his head and went back to work, mumbling something getting rash, having holes in his socks, while his dog is strutting around in custom outfits. it’s been a great day here! good night everyone. Wally.

41 thoughts on “Wally’s Great Adventures (40)

  1. Holy Moley…. dad will have to work a few extra hours to cover that shopping spree.
    But with your hellish cold winters, it’s a MUST to keep warm and toasty.
    You do look smashing, my boy.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Susan needs to start teaching him about getting his teeth cleaned. She can just rub her finger over his teeth so he’ll be used to it later when he needs brushing. I didn’t do that and know he have cavities to deal with. 🙂


  2. Well, the votes are in – you are the handsomest puppy out there and you wear your clothes so well. I think those little hoods ay come in handy the next time dad gets into a rant…Rock those clothes, Wally!!

    Liked by 2 people

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