Saturday Morning

Let my words become like a skilled
Potter’s hands,
Smoothing your life
With their knowledge,
Reaching into your tender core
And spreading you out
Like the morning …

~ Hafiz (1315-1390), from “Your Shape of Laughter” in “The Subject Tonight Is Love. 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz

Photo: katrinauld. Poem via finita–la–commedia

46 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

      1. He’s one of only ahandful, who’s words are strung so beautifully.
        And his words are always the most condensed. One cannot reduce it any further.
        The very core of the universe speaks through him.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Be kind
          to your sleeping heart.
          Take it out
          into the vast fields
          of Light
          And let it

          ~ Hafiz, from I Heard God Laughing: Renderings of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky. Mobius Press, Oakland, CA, pp. 73.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. “Stay close to any sounds

            That make you glad you are alive.

            Everything in this world is

            Helplessly reeling.”

            ~ Hafiz, from The Gift

            Liked by 3 people

          2. OK, let’s close with:

            All this time
            The Sun never says to the Earth,
            “You owe me.”

            What happens
            With a love like that,
            It lights the whole sky.

            From Daniel Ladinsky, The Gift: Poems by Hafiz (1999), p. 34.

            Liked by 2 people

  1. I’m in love!
    The best ultra-short-stories ever…. And thank you guys for the further poem exchange. Can’t get enough (be still my heart!). Happy weekend, enough sleep, some inward time, only good thoughts and as little worries as possible (thinking of your brother).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As an occasional potterer I can so relate to this – perfect combo. I didn’t do the wheel, only free-forming but it’s the very best therapy, apart from singing – and in the worst case, you throw the clay down on the work table, smooth it out and begin once more. Sooooo soothing!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s a feeling unlike any other. It soothes, it gives your fingers, but mostly your mind some rest, it’s peaceful, you CANNOT HURRY, and although it’s so calming, you still have to get your grips together or you will end up with something nobody would like.
        But I have news: You are not having the time to do it – sadly. It’s not something you can squeeze in your mega-compressed daily life. That’s the whole idea behind it (for us ‘Sunday’ potterers). But it’s really, really, really a wonderful pass-time. And with some luck, you create beautiful gifts too.

        Liked by 1 person

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