Line may not be steep enough…

Source: Jessica Hagy, – Self-Medication for Anxiety.

36 thoughts on “Line may not be steep enough…

  1. Well from where I sit on the couch, cozy, warm and watching a Nicolis Sparks book come alive in a movie… and he just gave me a small plate of 3 warm from the oven peanut-butter chocolate chip cookies with a spoon full of marshmallow cream topping, I’d say cookie one was pretty good and I am moving on to #2 and I know there will not be any diminishing returns…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. and I say what perfect timing! I love the saying and partake often in the “Apple a Day” sometimes accompanied by Almond butter that perhaps in 2019 I might need to embark on adding a cookie a day to the regime? oh, and give him an extra kiss for taking such good care of me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just read him these comments and he said yes to the extra kiss and then he smiles, chuckled as he motions with his hand to his mouth and said it looks like you are foaming from the mouth with cookie crumbs and marshmallow cream…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Salt and vinegar, and dill pickle chips. And you up north have something we don’t, Ketchup Lays chips.
        And if it’s that time of the month, a heaping table spoon of Nutella is the best for washing it all down!

        Liked by 1 person

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