Line may not be steep enough…

Source: Jessica Hagy, – Self-Medication for Anxiety.

No doubt. I’m an addict.


Sugar Season. It’s Everywhere, and Addictive by James DiNicolantonio & Sean Lucan:

  • Sugar is everywhere. It is celebration, it is festivity, it is love.
  • It’s also dangerous. In a recent study, we showed that sugar, perhaps more than salt, contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. Evidence is growing, too, that eating too much sugar can lead to fatty liver disease, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and kidney disease.
  • Yet people can’t resist. And the reason for that is pretty simple. Sugar is addictive. And we don’t mean addictive in that way that people talk about delicious foods. We mean addictive, literally, in the same way as drugs.
  • Up until just a few hundred years ago, concentrated sugars were essentially absent from the human diet — besides, perhaps, the fortuitous find of small quantities of wild honey.
  • Today added sugar is everywhere, used in approximately 75 percent of packaged foods purchased in the United States. The average American consumes anywhere from a quarter to a half pound of sugar a day. If you consider that the added sugar in a single can of soda might be more than most people would have consumed in an entire year, just a few hundred years ago, you get a sense of how dramatically our environment has changed. The sweet craving that once offered a survival advantage now works against us.
  • Whereas natural sugar sources like whole fruits and vegetables are generally not very concentrated because the sweetness is buffered by water, fiber and other constituents, modern industrial sugar sources are unnaturally potent and quickly provide a big hit.
  • Substance use disorders…exist when at least two to three symptoms from a list of 11 are present…sugar produces at least three symptoms consistent with substance abuse and dependence: cravings, tolerance and withdrawal. Other druglike properties of sugar include (but are not limited to) cross-sensitization, cross-tolerance, cross-dependence, reward, opioid effects and other neurochemical changes in the brain.
  • In animal studies, animals experience sugar like a drug and can become sugar-addicted. One study has shown that if given the choice, rats will choose sugar over cocaine in lab settings because the reward is greater; the “high” is more pleasurable.

Read full op-ed NY Times article here: Sugar Season. It’s Everywhere, and Addictive

Notes: The recipe for the caramel stuffed soft gingerbread cookies in the photograph can be found here:

1 + 1 + 1 = 10

chocolate, chocolate chips,brownie,carmel, dessert,sweet,craving,recipe

Chocolate + Caramel + Nuts = “10”

Chocolate Caramel Brownies
Chocolate Cake. Chocolate Chips. Caramels. Chopped Nuts.
Sweet Jesus!
These are irresistible.
250 calories per pop.
5 servings for me since lunch time = 1250 calories (and the day isn’t over).

Find full recipe @ Bake or Break


  • Thank you Lori for the recipe and for CRUSHING my Resolution on Day 2 of 2014.
  • Thank you Susan (Baker) and Susan & Rachel (photographers).

Gimmee Drugs


Note to self: I haven’t read any Harry Potter books.  Is there a deeper theme here?  Isn’t “Perserverance” misspelled?  (Blushing now…likely exposing my ignorance.)

Source: Pottermore House Pride adapted from Themetapicture.

Experiencing euphoria. Slopping around like a gopher in soft dirt.

recipe, cookie, dessert,craving, sweet,pistachio,

What do you get when you cross chocolate chips, pistachios, brown sugar and sea salt?  Hit this link.  It about captures the scene 30 minutes ago.

Lori @ Donna & Diablo shared the recipe with me for “Dark Chocolate, Pistachio & Hickory Sea Salt Cookies.”

Lori’s email: “Sounds like you had a tough week Dave.  These will help…but be forewarned, you’ll find it difficult to stop at one.”

Really Lori.  Ya think? My hands were trembling after I cleared one plate of cookies.  I had to pull up and walk away.


  • Estimated Calorie consumption in 8 minutes: 640 cal. consumed.
  • This morning’s 50 minute Elliptical work-out: 540 cal. burn. (It’s a bloody losing battle!)
  • Cookie Rank: Top 3 lifetime.  (And this is coming from a professional cookie inhaler.)
  • Overall experience: Priceless.

Recipe below. (Warning: No substitutions, replacements or alterations to ingredients and baking instructions.  Perfection is not to be messed with.)

Continue reading “Experiencing euphoria. Slopping around like a gopher in soft dirt.”