Walking Cross-Town. Just make it stop.



Comey. Russia. Fake News. Senate investigations. ObamaCare. Republicans, Democrats (Rodney: Can’t we just get along?) Hearings. More Hearings. More hearings. Trump. Leaks. Lies. Spin. Frenzy. Russians. Spies. Kushner. Back channels. Flynn. Covfefe. NATO. Kabul suicide blast, 90 dead, 400 wounded, Afghan capital mourns, anger swirls. Hate. Portland Train stabbings. Climate change. North Korea. Saber rattling. Cruise Missiles.  Guns. Missouri man kills 8, suicide by cop was his intention. Manchester. Hillary, blame. Tiger Woods DUI. Kathy Griffin fake Trump severed head (Funny, really?).  Extra policing in Chicago on Memorial Day, violence down, 6 killed, 44 wounded. Ohio sues Opioid drugmakers for unleashing drug epidemic. Yellowstone, rare white female wolf shot illegally. Ivory, elephant poachers run rampant. (Will Man purge them all?)

Is there no place, where I can sit undisturbed?

Photo: via zsazsabellagio.com. Related Posts: Commuting

57 thoughts on “Walking Cross-Town. Just make it stop.

  1. I’m with you, pal. It. Is. Unrelenting. Fleeing to an island in the Caribbean worked well for me for a few weeks — didn’t look at the news much and when I did, I didn’t look long. It becomes harder and harder to maintain hope. As my husband likes to remind me, every device has this handy little thing called an ‘off switch.’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have not found a great place to be undisturbed. I minimize my news exposure but the negativity reverberates into the world and people. There’s an air of anger. I’m diving back into meditation. Hoping for some peace.

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  3. All wonderful suggestions, but the fact is it’s out there just waiting to pounce. I am retired like many other baby boomers. Watch the news on occasion, do not read the newspapers, just the coupon circulars. I hope the next generation does a better job with this world we live in than the current generation. I also miss the old days, they were happy times. I guess I’m showing my age now, but I don’t have that pressure or stress hanging over my head anymore…..and that’s a good thing. ☺☺☺

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Secluded beaches. Quiet forest paths. Verdant meadows covered in wildflowers. Campfires under star-filled skies. Mountain streams with waterfalls. Redwoods. These are a few of my favorite places that help me to more clearly hear the whispers of my heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. This is the first time, I’ve been away from home since last September, arriving earlier today… thankful for an extended time to unplug…no cell reception, no tv although there is a computer connection, which is being used sparingly…I am on a screen porch of a cabin sitting in the peaceful woods, up above a beautiful river, across the river is a high, forested ridge …we see and hear the river, the birds and the leaves swaying in a gentle breeze…just us and the ranch owners who live about 1/2 mile north on the ranch…we are grateful for the alone time in nature, such a special spot…and my wish for all, is that we may all experience the precious moments of relaxing solitude, that grounds us and : “May we all grow in grace and peace, and not neglect the silence that is printed in the center of our being. It will not fail us.”~Thomas Merton… Draw each breath, deep..exhaling stress…welcoming the cleansing, refresh… each breath is a gift…

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The field in my side yard… rabbits (first there were two, then five, now!)… deer every evening, up to seven… goldfinches and cardinals (the beauty of Carolina).
    My refuge- then the grackles arrive and all peace scatters for a while. Just for a while.

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  7. My comment last night seems to have disappeared in the commotion. I was just saying that there’s hope. I have full confidence in your capability to be in charge. Bird song, David. Bird song.

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  8. I don’t listen/read the news, but it finds me like skunk stink through the ethers. I was waiting to have a chest x-ray at the hospital this week, and He was on the TV in the waiting room ditching the Paris Accord. No escape.

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