Answering Machine ’93 (23 sec)

Cameron Hicks: “This was my family’s outgoing message on our answering machine from 1993 up until we got rid of our land line a few years ago. My dad wanted to save the recording of my sister, Jodie, and I as kids so he digitized it and gave it to us. I decided to animate to the recording and give it to Jodie as a birthday present. It wound up taking longer to finish than I expected so it became a Christmas present. I missed that deadline too. Nevertheless, it’s dedicated to her.”

Cam – We’re not home right now, but we’ll be back real soon.
Dad – Right, so leave your name and number and we’ll get back to ya. Thanks for calling!
Jodie – I wanna talk!
Dad – Okay.
Jodie – Goodnight.

10 thoughts on “Answering Machine ’93 (23 sec)

    1. Little thing. So great. Glory in small things. I want a smidge of that.

      Was it enough to sing small songs that rose to the surface for a moment, shared then gone?
      What about everlasting glory?
      Didn’t he want a smidge of that?

      ~ Kyo Maclear, Birds Art Life: A Year of Observation


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