Ethereal Blue



“Photographer Steve Mandel recently ventured to Antarctica where he captured breathtaking images of glaciers. His frosty shots are a unique twist on landscape photography—instead of presenting one view of the icebergs, the California-based creative shot a split view in a single frame. Half of the picture shows the glacier above water, while the other part illustrates what lies beneath.

‘This was my first [time] shooting above and below shots,’ Mandel tells us in an email. ‘I was inspired by some images I had seen taken by a National Geographic photographer.’ He’s fascinated by the form, color, and physics of icebergs, and explains what makes them so special. ‘The top of the glacier is white because it is new snow, that over time, compresses. The beautiful blue color in the ice is older ice in which the air has been partially compressed out.’ This delicate balance produces images that often have an otherworldly feel to them, and with this series, Mandel has captured moments frozen in time.”

Don’t miss other Mandel’s other photos in the series at his website: Antarctic Ice

Don’t miss the interview with Steve Mandel: My Modern Met

Source: My Modern Met

19 thoughts on “Ethereal Blue

    1. The highest a man can attain,’ said Goethe on this occasion, ‘is wonder, and when the primordial phenomenon makes him wonder he should be content; it can give him nothing higher, and he should not look for anything beyond it; here is the boundary. But the sight of a primordial phenomenon is not generally enough for men; they think there must be more in the back of it, like children who, having looked into a mirror, turn it around to see what is on the other side.’

      ~ As recorded in Eckermann’s Conversations with Goethe

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  1. Something so elemental about these images–I can feel the sting in the air, the frigid wind on my cheeks, the sting of the ice cold water, the allure of the known versus the unknown, the seen against the unseen, fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person

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