A Message to Mom


“Mom, this might be my last chance to tell you I love you.”

– A text from a high school student who was aboard the ferry that capsized yesterday off South Korea’s southern coast. Four passengers were killed, 55 were injured and more than 280 are missing. (via latimes)

Photograph: Yvette Depaepe; Quote source: Larmoyante

33 thoughts on “A Message to Mom

  1. And hearts of mothers everywhere stirred …. so tragic.

    21 days till I see my wee Mum again, and I’ll try not to break her when I sweep her up in my arms for a long-overdue hug!



  2. Unimaginable, the pain a mother must feel, losing a child. The uncertainty these parents (and all the families) must feel, not knowing, yet hoping is ones indescribable. I, too, question God at times like these.


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