SMWI*: Saturday Line-Up


Run? Later.
Mindless web surfing.
Saturday morning papers in bed.
Background music on Pandora.
Shower? Shave? No. Sweatpants.
Breakfast: French Toast with hot maple cream syrup.
Old episodes of “Cheers.”
Words with Friends.
Short walk with Zeke.
Lunch: Piping hot tomato soup and Grilled Cheese.
Curl up on couch in attic. Rain (forecasted) pattering on roof.
Samuel Beckett’s Three Novels: Molloy. Malone. Unnamable.”
Drift into Long nap.
Run? Later.
Gentle foreign film whisking me off to Paris.
Run? Maybe.

In a place like Paris, the air is so thick with dreams they clog the streets and take all the good tables at the cafés. Poets and writers, models and designers, painters and sculptors, actors and directors, lovers and escapists, they flock to the City of Lights. That night at Polly’s, the table spilled over with the rapture of pilgrims who have found their temple. That night, among new friends and safe at Shakespeare and Company, I felt it too. Hope is a most beautiful drug.

— Jeremy Mercer, Time Was Soft There: A Paris Sojourn at Shakespeare & Co.

SMWI* = Saturday Morning Work-out Inspiration. Image Credit. Quote Source: Schonwieder

30 thoughts on “SMWI*: Saturday Line-Up

  1. Laughing. You’ve made a pretty compelling argument for “Run? NO.” Pal…. 😉 I’m actually sitting here with one dog ON my lap and the other dog plastered against my side, drinking my morning coffee, gazing out the window and wondering just how nasty the ice on those roads is going to be when I head out to my Saturday morning “Fusion Circuit” class (another name for a crazy set of exercises involving ropes, weights, kettle bells, stairs, medicine balls and other “tools.”) I’m thinking your waffles/surfing/movie/napping routine is sounding pretty darned irresistible…..


    1. Fusion Circuit. Hmmmm. Tired just thinking about it. CANNOT get out of bed this morning. Even run this afternoon (when forecast call for heavy rains) seems less likely by the minute…


  2. Ice and snow for some, big wind and rain here in Oregon. I love to listen to and feel the storminess on days like these. I like how the weather slows me down. Today anyway.


  3. Sounds perfect!

    Here: drinking coffee, listening to the rain as it washes the snow off the roof in giant plops, laundry, bills, reading, yoga then bowling/date night 🙂 You inspire me to run again.. MJ


  4. Saturday morning papers in bed.
    Shower? Shave? No. Sweatpants.
    Breakfast: A big chai mug.
    Mindless web surfing.
    Words with Friends to un-plan the plan.
    Lunch: Chicken biryani.
    Curl up on couch and watch ‘The Ugly Truth’.
    Run? Not on weekends.
    That’s simply unpleasant ME!!! 😉


  5. I wanted to live in Shakespeare & Co., but it wasn’t meant to be. Paris is filled with dreams and beauty and it seemes open and free for all to partake for the city seemed to be filled with happiness and, hope…hope of one’s dreams coming true.


  6. Absolutely PERFECT day…and laughing that we have two very important things in common: french toast and grilled cheese sandwiches! Hoping Sunday is more of the same!


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