A deliciously true story

If you are looking for a rainy Sunday afternoon movie, here it is.  This movie is charming, moves “briskly” and is entertaining – I loved it.  If you are a foodie or just love eating – you’ll find a number of mouth-watering scenes.  The movie is showing in theaters and available to watch Instantly on Netflix.

“The story is based on the real-life case of Danièle Delpeuch, a small town regional chef and restaurant-owner who was summoned by President François Mitterrand to be his personal cook at the Elysée Palace. The President had developed a hankering for the food he knew in his youth and decided that she’s just the woman he needs to provide him with “the best of France.”  (Noted that she was the first ever female personal chef for a President of France which adds an interesting dynamic into the Elysee Palace kitchens, traditionally a male preserve.)

Movie Reviews:

26 thoughts on “A deliciously true story

  1. You’d have to make sure you didn’t go to this movie hungry. Dinner and a movie would be okay, but movie and a dinner would run up the bill considerably. I’d want to eat everything in sight after seeing all that good food.


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