Happy Birthday Eric!

Happy 19th Birthday Son.

Your Mother and I were looking at your baby pictures last night.  We came across the shot below.  You were two months old.

You and I have debated this point.  (On Head Size.)  Yet, the truth is now inconvertible upon reflection.

  1. Despite your impressive academic achievements, your head size remains disproportionately large compared to your body.  (Yes, the photo is shocking.  Your Mother had to sit down as she looked at the photo – I saw her shudder as she recalled the memories of the birthing process.  BTW, I checked out Einstein’s head, it was normal size.)
  2. See the position of your head in the shot.  Your neck was straining to support your head.  All of your photos have you in the same profile: leaning and tilting.  (Again, the cranium cargo load is daunting.)
  3. All 10 lbs 3 oz of you were delivered via c-section – – because you wouldn’t come out the traditional way.  (Resisting parental guidance starting early – at birth.  And Head size.  Simply Massive.  And yet your Mother still coddles you even after that trauma.)

Have a great day Eric. Big Head and All…We love you.

Baby pictures, baby

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57 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Eric!

  1. Not only is he absolutely adorable, he’s leaning to the left – my kind of kid. Happy Happy Birthday Eric and despite any embarrassment this post may elicit from you, just remember – it’s your dad, you know him and he loves you all there is…;-)


  2. Happy Birthday Eric! And, by they way, I had TWO kids by c-section (talk about one big scar!)…and they too had that “resisting parental guidance” look on their faces, and still do. 🙂


  3. Oh what a big smile this brought to my face. This is a wonderful birthday post.
    When we kid our kids about the size of their noggins – we call them puppet-heads or bobble-heads 🙂
    Happy Birthday to your son & wishes to him for may more…!


  4. … H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y E R I C…
    May all of your Dreams come true. Amin!
    Dave, your writings are always full of love =)


  5. Wow…the pot calling the kettle black. Might want to dust off and read again “how to win friends & influence people.”


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