4:17 am and inspired…


No video clips…

No warm up bands…

No puppy or baby pictures…

We’re jumping right into the inspiring posts of the week:

Tony Caselli, a professional stage director from Williamston, Michigan, with his post: A Beautiful NightIt’s gorgeous out. I’m on the back deck, just got back from a terrific night at the theatre – a great show, fabulous audience, good feelings all around. Sitting out here, 68 degrees, everything’s wet from the rain, the wind blowing gently, the dogs chasing the ball, and each other, playing…(Hit this link to read the rest…you won’t be disappointed.)

Erin @ Analyfe is back for another visit to inspiration row with a post titled: Fear, Secret Identities, and Superpowers…Here’s a few random nuggets: “Consider this: you already have superpowers…The opposite of fear is surrender…learn to untangle, both from criticism and praise…When someone says that they’re disappointed with you, that simply means that you’re not living out their script for you…If you can figure out confidence, your life will be awesomer sooner…If you don’t earn it, you don’t win…don’t get big on yourself…(hit this link for the entire post as I’ve cherry picked a few of my favorite lines and butchered the glue and flow from Erin’s exceptional post.)

Stephen Edwards @ LifeRevelation who commented on my post 30 Gifts To 30 Strangers:  “Maybe it is I am just getting old, but here is what I like to think it is…I like to think there is something tremendous going on in the world. The world that we read of every day in the newspaper or hear about on the news is reckless, dangerous, and full impending collapse and failure. But the one I read and see in the blog world is one of hope, enchantment, and delight. There are ordinary people without huge commercial endorsements or advanced degrees who are doing small random acts of compassionate kindness. These people are changing the world for other people. Not lots of other people…it isn’t a global movement, but I feel safe in saying the people you see on this video will never forget the day a total stranger with a few of his friends walked up to them in a park and gave them a gift.  This is how we change the world…we start by smiling while we are out in public, we hold the door for whoever is next, we say thank you and please, we make pleasant eye contact, we don’t talk on our cell phones while at the check out, we acknowledge that ALL people are worthy of our time and attention.  Watch this video, then reblog it. Spread the word. Be kind. Be loving. Be real…and of course…Be encouraged!

Lori @ donnaanddiablo who followed behind Stephen to comment on the same postThis is just beautiful, David. A beautiful sentiment, a heartwarming video, all of it. I’m really struck by Stephen’s words, too. It seems like we’re bombarded with negative messages on so many fronts these days–it’s really, really nice to be reminded that there’s still much joy in the world and much to be happy for, and it can spring from each of us. From time to time when I go through the tolls, I pay for the car behind me. I love thinking about the next person’s pleasant surprise when he/she pulls up to the window. :-) . And at the coffee shop I frequent, there’s a woman who comes in every day, buys her coffee, and pays for a large cup for the next customer who comes to the register. I’ve been the lucky recipient and it absolutely delighted me (felt like I’d won the lottery for getting a $2 cup of joe), so now I do the same thing. Paying it forward is fun!! :-).”

And finally, let me leave with with this final thought on HUMP DAY:

blow you own damn mind...

Sources: Thank you marcdesa for the sun rise photo share.  Thank you creatingaquietmind for “Blow Your Own Mind” share.

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13 thoughts on “4:17 am and inspired…

  1. Really enjoyed the two posts you linked to this morning, David. So heartwarming and inspiring–gets my day off on just the right foot. :-). And I am honored that you would include my musings in your wrap-up–thank you! I really believe that, just as an oyster makes a pearl, the accretion of many small kindnesses can have a positive effect. I can’t stop thinking, for instance, of how many folks must have found Mimi’s post-it’s yesterday and been so pleasantly surprised. http://waitingforthekarmatruck.com/2012/07/24/post-this/. Thank you for nurturing this little community of “positivity.” (not sure if this is a word, but if Mimi can make them up, so can I. :-))


  2. David, I’m so glad you enjoyed my post – and I’m often inspired by your journal, so I’m honored to be mentioned in your collection of inspiring things! Thanks so much for including me.


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