Help Her. Now.

In case you missed the back story about this Sad Sack, you can read about her hopeless case here: “Walking. All Self-Doubt…Gone” and here: “Epilogue: All Doubts Gone.”

Yep, there are those that just don’t get it.

This time she’s wrestling a massive, misshapen piece of driftwood, easily over 100 pounds, thrown onto the rocks during our last storm. She’s determined to haul it up the steep, slippery embankment, over the slick mossy boulders and up and over the break wall.

Why? That’s the question other early morning walkers at Cove Island Park seem to be asking as they pass by, shooting me the “Is she okay?” look. I nod knowingly. This is her therapy, the best we can do here is maintenance, as the damage is irreparable.

Did she ask for help? You bet. I offered to call 911 the moment she took a tumble.

As she strains to heave the monstrosity the last few feet, her leg is pinched between the tree and rocks. “Yikes! That’ll leave a mark,” she winces.

Cara sits on the bench and admires her efforts. She then texts her “Hero Husband” Barry, a Senior Leader at the City of Stamford, demanding that he get his crew out here immediately. Barry sighs, and quickly reassigns a crew from a critical keep-the-city running project. Barry’s crew is well-acquainted with these urgent requests at the behest of his wife on her early morning runs – That Whack-a-Doodle is at it again!

I watch Cara walk away, you’d think she’s given birth to a fourth Son. She snaps a shot of the Cove, now free of errant driftwood — All this so she can get more LIKES on Instagram.

There’s the old adage that God helps those that help themselves.

In this case, we need the Big Guy to intercede, and like right NOW.

Epilogue. Susan and Wally went for a walk this morning.

Susan text to Cara: While I was taking Wally’s picture (next to your giant stick), a City of Stamford Parks truck pulled up.   The guy said, “I don’t know where that came from and it’s right on the path. It wasn’t here last night. I’ll have it cleaned up soon.” I was dying!

51 thoughts on “Help Her. Now.

        1. Dale. This particular piece is (scratch) WAS one of my favorites. You can view many pics in my posts of this beautiful driftwood. However, someone felt strongly that it was “an eye sore” sticking out and obstructing view of the shoreline, rocks etc. I could understand, given my feelings about the other dead branch and sought out to help. What happens at Cove (used to) stay at Cove.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Cara, I‘m laughing too. Apart from that, I think you both can stop now to behave like a kindergarden mob and go back to ‚just‘ doing walks with or without your wonderful pets. btw, I think you‘re beautiful – I don‘t dare thinking of what I‘d look after such an effort. And I do realise that I‘m now in the dog- resp. shxthouse with Dave for saying this. But I wanted to say that already several times and now I‘ve done it.

            Liked by 1 person

  1. This blog is full of so many untruths, it’s surprising that all of the intelligent fanbase here hasn’t picked up on it. Not here to ruin anyone’s “reputation”, but a good deed was done today. A request was made, and one (or two) people took action. Just as an aside, I ran 8 miles prior to this venture and my face was absolutely NOT that red. #edit-filter-revise

    I am nostalgic for the days when I could run or walk at Cove in peace. Still, leaving the park today… I couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the gift of seeing such beauty each morning and sharing it out with those who cant. That is the real good deed. Let’s keep that going.

    My only regret is that the massive branch was in Wally’s “walking” path. I owe you Wally. Treats soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I LOVE driftwood and I‘m with Dave on this one, sorry Cara.
    I‘ve seen in many other places that it HAD to be taken out because it would have caused barricades where the water was unable to flow off. This clearly is not the case here so I have to let Dave off the hook. It‘s your day my friend.
    Usually I do tend to side with women‘s views because they more often than not ‚think‘ with their minds AND hearts, but what went on here I don‘t know. But still, can you please stop now with this childish dwiddle-dwaddle (sorry, I invented that one on the spot; but you know what I mean) and behave like a responsible adult again?!
    Make sure that wally gets his treat though! Blocking HIS walk path…. really!


  3. Finally everything is clear for me. I am laughing too. I also love naturel beach views… especially these  piece of driftwoods, so beautiful. Cara really takes amazing photographs and I think what is in her mind for her camera, it should be important, I can almost understand. On the other hand, when I came to this post, I understand that it closed the walking path. Cara should have thought this, maybe after she could ask to take the driftwood to its first place, something like that… Photography is really something like that. When I take pictures, sometimes I want/wish to carry somethings or remove somethings but mines ar not easy as Cara’s objects. Anyway, dear David, I am sorry that I couldn’t understand you, it seems that Cara should really have a helper team with her. Professional team with their eqipments… I think she can do this. Because it seems like there’s no end to it . Beautiful photographs by dear David and also by Cara, how nice to live in this landscape… And I can imagine what kind of feelings it could be to walk or to run there… Especially with my camera, all kinds of ideas could come to my mind too. You all made my day, I enjoyed reading you all. I hope you don’t mind that I came and shared my thoughts too. Thank you, have a nice day and weekend, Love, nia


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