One pair of eyes is simply not enough


  • DK. Daybreak. December 9, 2020. 6:16, 6:52 & 7:00 am. 30° F feels like 23° F. Cove Island Park, Stamford CT
  • Post Title: One pair of eyes is simply not enough. Mary Ruefle, from “The Life of a Poet: Mary Ruefle” (Library of Congress, May 15, 2015)

34 thoughts on “One pair of eyes is simply not enough

  1. I think yesterday’s sunrise was spectacular all along the east coast. I’m not usually grateful to be awake early but was grateful to have seen it. I was reading and looked up and gasped. I think “Look Up” had better be my motto for the coming year.


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      1. maybe…. but mostly he’s incredibly annoyed that he has to wait for his wife all the time because she just ‘needs another second for a shot’….. and often he’s so p…d off that he strides off at his speed (his legs are nearly as long as my whole person) – which is not so genius! 😉

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