Monday Morning Wake-Up Call


even when I don’t believe—

there is a place in me inaccessible to unbelief,

a patch of wild grace,

a stubborn preserve, impenetrable…

music that builds its nest in silence.

23 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. for once, I appreciate the photo more than the words, sorry. Especially after having seen the whole series of 4 wonderful pics on IG of Mennyfox. To recommend!
    But thanks anyway, Pal. Maybe it’s about your lack of faith, or Anna’s…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Evocative image…first light of day, illuminating the mostly obscured under covers…red headed, bed headed young women…perhaps contemplating what she is viewing on her laptop which is giving off a low glow…as she misses the beauty of the sunrise…and then I think of how the sunlight reflects off her focused right eye, penetrating, sending signals coursing throughout the cells of her biology as the gift of natural sunlight…awakes life…in all of us since the beginning of time…the cycle of life, the seasons of the physical planet, and all inhabitants, of air, land (including the precious soil) and sea…and us humans since the beginning, today and those yet to be born…the sun light constitutes the whole.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anna Kamienska experienced a lot of pain during a horrendous chapter of personal and world history. She later witnessed much Beauty finding Joy in Living. She articulated, masterfully & deeply.
    When I read your offering of her words, I thought this.
    Grace, encompasses.
    Root of Soul, calls.
    Some seek and cling to the Root, of God’s Gift.
    All Benefit.

    Liked by 1 person

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