Lightly Child, Lightly

We are looking for new spaces, but what we are really looking for is retreat, clarity, to escape our internal chaos.

For the days not to feel glued together.

— Kate ZambrenoDrifts: A Novel (Penguin, May 19, 2020)


  • Photo: Image source here. (via Mennyfox55)
  • Post Title & Inspiration: Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

45 thoughts on “Lightly Child, Lightly

  1. Two MAGIC sentences.
    I will have to copy those two sentences and stick them to a place where I see them – they dearly, clearly, distinctively speak to me.

    Paired with a sensuous photo – would have wished you giving us some more info from that cyrillic page 😉

    Liked by 2 people

          1. I, as a non-english individual, always marvel at my knowledge – LOLOLOLOLOOOOL….. and also, Dave is such a terrifically clever, well turned out individual and still has a few white spots in his dictionary 😉

            Liked by 2 people

          2. In all fairness,, you and I have the added benefit of knowing more than one language – this gives us even more words that may be used in one or another language more regularly. And we all have white spots in our dictionary!
            David is very clever and not afraid to say when he doesn’t know something and even shares with us that he has looked it up. Gotta give him big kudos for that 😉

            Liked by 2 people

      1. That is for sure, especially when I wasn’t working. Harder to unstick the days when working from home, like you, I bet. Why your morning walks are so important now…
        Since I started at the golf, there is that jolt of reality that comes to shake things up. Gawd, I can’t wait, already, for October 16…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Had to pop back to those two sentences – they’re simply perfect.
    (and pls, don’t take our kind poking serious, you know that we know that you’re near perfect too!!!!!)

    Liked by 1 person

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