T.G.I.F: My New Work-From-Home Assistant

Sully is visiting Grandpa DK for the rest of the week. My new Work-From-Home Assistant peed all over my rug and was then quarantined in the penalty box.

More on our Sully here and here and here.

Photo: Eric Kanigan, March 18th, @ Home.

46 thoughts on “T.G.I.F: My New Work-From-Home Assistant

  1. a good assistant is hard to find, and sometimes there is a period of adjustment……

    overall, glad you have the assistant around, can’t wait to see how the two of you figure out your shared space in your new office.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Those new assistants are but trouble until they are truly adjusted to their boss. THEN they become quickly indispensable…..
    Sully is just preparing you for YOUR VERY OWN forever 4- legged, hanging-ears, smelly-muzzle, tail-wagging assistant…. 🐶

    Liked by 2 people

  3. If you would put her on your lap and pet her while you work, this wouldn’t happen, you know. I do feel your pain. We have four dogs and no rugs!

    Thanks for the levity! Looking forward to hearing more adventures with Sully.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So, this is how your son shows his love for you? maybe a mixed message…cute and lovable though Eric knew himself to be, resented any restrictions, and lockdown was just too much!

    Liked by 1 person

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