Oh, so much Truth…

Our house is quiet at night, I seem to be hearing dog paws on the stairs, but the dog lies sprawled asleep on the floor next to the bed. Maybe I’m hearing the dog we had before the one we have now? I don’t think people linger on after death, but I wonder whether dogs do. And that we can hear them scuffling about for many years after they’re gone.

Linn Ullmann, ”Unquiet: A Novel” (W. W. Norton & Company, January 15, 2019)

Photo of our Zeke on 11/17/14 (RIP).

38 thoughts on “Oh, so much Truth…

  1. Now you nearly made me shed a tear…. YES, we can still hear them long after their demise. And that’s normal; for so long they shared our lives, were part of us, and now you’ve made me, together with Linn Ullmann, yearn AGAIN and even MORE so to have a pet once more….. Your Zeke was so über-beautiful!!

    (May I say I also love Linn Ullmann’s writing, which I discover thanks to you – what a talented and gifted family that is)

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  2. Made me cry… I remember…. zeke, surya,… how true, there are two Little Big Cats in the home now but I feel and hear my angel cats too… Thank you dear David, you ntroduced me too with Linn Ullmann. Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In German we have the saying: Ein Leben ohne Hund ist ein Hundeleben. I would translate it to A life without a dog is a dog’s life …. but I’m unsure if you use this expression in the US/Canada. It means, of course, that a life w/o a dog is not worth living 😉
    I also have a metal plaque in the entry hall saying A home without a dog is just a house…. A bit kitschy but who cares. We need, as Beth said so well, dogs around us because w/o them, we have a loss from our heart!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I strongly believe that the dogs we have loved and lived with are always with us. I see my boy Chance in Beau sometimes…the cock of the head, a certain response to a situation, the particular way he snuggles up against me and sighs with contentment. These animals are our hearts, walking around outside our bodies….

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Aww, David…I believe that is true, our beloved pets are still here with us. That photo of Zeke made me feel so sad. Shortly after my Bella died, I decided to get another puppy, Daisy. I didn’t think I would want to get another dog so quickly until a friend told me that after her dog died, she went out and got TWO. She mentioned that the house just didn’t feel right without a dog in it. When I thought about that, I knew that I needed to get another puppy. The entire family was just so sad all the time without Bella. Daisy has filled our hearts with so much love, but I do still miss Bella and I do still feel her presence here with me…or maybe it’s just the two large photos on the wall of her that can always be seen… 🙂 In any case, I believe that all of us who experience the love of a pet become better people for that. We learn without a doubt what true unconditional love is…and isn’t that the greatest magical feeling in the world. Love to you my friend.

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    1. Carol, I just came back to this post simply because I love dogs, and Zeke was such a gorgeous ‘beast’. Now, your words brought tears to my eyes. It’s all so true, I firmly believe too that dogs make us better human beings…. maybe we should collect money to get a few of them to a certain white building ….. 😉

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  6. Such a sweet photo of Zeke (rip)…I don’t know why, maybe because he is aging I been thinking of how horrible it will be when our sweet pup with the eternal smile, knowing eyes, silky fur passes on…I know we will still feel him…miss him immensely…hear him commando crawling down the hallway…/// my daughter and I have both seen cats of ours that have passed on…

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    1. Sawsan, you don’t have to wait until you die….. Dave was right, you’re lingering even now. You are that kind of person who doesn’t leave people ‘cold’!!! And that’s a heck of a compliment I wouldn’t give to all out there!

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