Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Let me begin again as a speck
of dust caught in the night winds
sweeping out to sea. Let me begin
this time knowing the world…
is grinding and sighing all night,
and dawn comes slowly…

Philip Levine, from “Let Me Begin Again,” 7 Years from Somewhere: Poems

Source: Mennyfox55

18 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. Oh brother you really NEED your morning coffee, I gather 😉
    Have a great week – we already are past midday here.
    (She’s writing this having just had her 2nd espresso – I so feel you!)


  2. Love the photo. Lyrics that come to mind are : “Childhood living is easy to do The things you wanted I bought them for you Graceless lady you know who I am You know I cant let you slide through my hands Wild horses couldn’t drag me away Wild, wild horses, couldn’t drag me away” Wild Horses, Rolling Stones. ///
    and “She comes down from Yellow Mountain
    On a dark, flat land she rides
    On a pony she named Wildfire
    With a whirlwind by her side
    On a cold Nebraska night
    Oh, they say she died one winter
    When there came a killing frost
    And the pony she named Wildfire
    Busted down its stall
    In a blizzard he was lost
    She ran calling Wildfire
    She ran calling Wildfire
    She ran calling Wildfire….”

    Wildfire, Michael Murphy (this video’s images are amazingly gorgeous)

    ///The words “Let me begin again as a speck
    of dust caught in the night winds sweeping out to sea” great phrase. All most exclusively our wind comes straight off the sea, westward flowing…so if you were out on a boat you could be a speck of that dust though you’d be shoreline bound. We do deal with wind from the south when it is hot, wind from the north when it is cold and when the weather pattern spins we might get a push from the southeast..the wind can bring such welcomed fragrance and relief from heat.

    Liked by 1 person

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