Guess.What.Day.It.Is? (Where is he?)


  • Photograph: It’s the real-life Scooby Doo! Six-foot Great Dane Presley weighs over 13 stone – but runs to his owner’s arms at the slightest fright – (via Newthom)
  • Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again

50 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is? (Where is he?)

  1. I’m staying right now at HH’s brother’s place and today a couple of new owners of the top flat will be moving in with a GREAT DANE 🙂
    NOT everybody is filled with joy though. They can look scary. Good to know that this one is a big kid 🙂
    Son was bitten by a friend’s GD when he was some 6yrs old. Both children & their bros/sis had own dogs and were used to them…. No reason for dog bite, kids adored (and still do) pets, dogs and cats. Just something that happened.
    Realised then that being biten by a child-accustemed dog is bad. But being bitten by a great Dane as a child is seriously bad. Son had a tatoo made over the place of his bitten arm. We still all adore dogs – just not a pony sized one 😉

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      1. Oh no, just a reason to get an elaborate tatoo all around his upper arm later in life 🙂
        He still loves dogs, he was at his young age reasonable enough to know that this had nothing to do with him or the dog really. Shxt happens….

        Liked by 1 person

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