Lightly Child, Lightly

I was fifteen and I felt it, felt the race I was running with time. My body was changing, bloating, swelling, stretching, bulging. I wished it would stop, but it seemed my body was no longer mine. It belonged to itself now, and cared not at all how I felt about these strange alterations, about whether I wanted to stop being a child, and become something else.

~ Tara Westover, “Educated: A Memoir


24 thoughts on “Lightly Child, Lightly

  1. Yeah – knowing even such a disciplines like psychology is sometimes useful in life… Life is not a fairly tale (always) – You can’t always do what you want – like learning maths or geometry- such a tripy arts 🙂

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  2. I have this very same experience often – and I’m no longer a child for quite some (v.long) time! She DOES have a way with words, she of no formal schooling…… !!! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can relate. To what it felt like As A Woman. I can only imagine being a gawky 12-ish male when all of a sudden comes the acne, the big feet, the voice change, the awkwardness of a life with surging hormones and having to look and look away. The human animal dilemma.

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