Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

The Incan relay system could transport news 150 miles per day. The runners, stationed every 2 miles, would run at top speeds and blow a conch shell to tell the next runner they were arriving. The next runner would fall into step beside them, hear and memorize the message, and then run at top speed to the next messenger. The system was so fast they could carry fresh fish from the Pacific Ocean to the Incan king in the Andes valley of Cuzco – without the fish spoiling.

~ Fun Facts, First News

Notes: Photo: Inca Trail via G Adventures

41 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

    1. And I can “feel” you smiling. As my intestines process that white vinegar based cream that covered the strawberries that we had for dessert last night. (Is that stomach cramps I’m feeling?). I’m not in a good place. No. And you, YOU, are solely responsible.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That was a slew of funny… I hope Lori gets as much a kick out of it as I did (once she gets off that infernal infinity ladder, that is) – I’m with you… darn those motivated peeps!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ok, forget giggling, now I’m just flat out laughing. Where are ya on that plank challenge? Have ya tried Barre? FABULOUS for whipping that abdominal wall into shape.. (I’m sorry, but you started it…)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. They had a “writing” system using knots on a row of strings. I’ve always wondered how that worked. It sounds like their courier system may have been in service longer than our Pony Express, but I’ve never looked into that. Amazing to think that they had good roads running all the way from Colombia to Chile.

    Liked by 1 person

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